
A viaduct is a specific type of bridge that consists of a series of arches, piers or columns supporting a long elevated railway or road.Typically a viaduct connects two points of roughly equal elevation, allowing direct overpass across a wide valley, road, river, or other low-lying terrain features and obstacles.Many viaducts over land connect points of similar height in a landscape, usually by bridging a river valley or other eroded opening in an otherwise flat area.[6] Where a viaduct is built across land rather than water, the space below the arches may be used for businesses such as car parking, vehicle repairs, light industry, bars and nightclubs.[citation needed] In other cases, viaducts were demolished because they were structurally unsafe, such as the Embarcadero Freeway in San Francisco, which was damaged by an earthquake in 1989.
The Ouse Valley Viaduct in Sussex, England
Viaduct near Slade, Plymouth, painting by Nicholas Matthew Condy
"Deansgate Locks" bars under a Light Rail station in Manchester , England.
The Viaduc des Arts , Paris, France.
Laigh Milton ViaductTrestle bridgeBox girder bridgeAqueductExpresswaysreinforced concreteprestressed concretemasonryFalseworkbridgecolumnsoverpassterrainanalogyancient RomanaqueductsRoman aqueductsOuse Valley ViaductantiquityPont SermeManchesterrailroad yardsfreight trainsgrade separationNicholas Matthew CondyPrince Edward ViaductBloor StreetBloor-Danforthsubway lineDon RivervalleyMillau ViaductChesapeake Bay Bridge-TunnelMillauDanyang–Kunshan Grand Bridgelongest bridge in the worldLight Rail stationNetwork RailS-BahnElevated expresswaysBostonCentral ArteryTorontoGardiner ExpresswayEmbarcadero FreewayBang Na Expresswayworld's longest road bridgeDelhi-Gurgaon ExpresswayCoulée verte René-DumontViaduc des ArtsHigh Lineurban parkJakarta Inner Ring RoadAlaskan Way ViaducttunnelCausewayCrueize ViaductFlying junctionList of bridge typesViaducts of AtlantaWashington State Department of TransportationBox girderBridge–tunnelBurr TrussCable-stayedCanopyCantileverCantilever spar cable-stayedCoveredDouble-beam drawbridgeExtradosedMoveableBasculeDrawbridgeFoldingRetractableRollingRolling basculeSubmersibleTransporterVertical-liftMulti-wayNavigable aqueductPontoonVlotbrugSuspensionTimberThrough archTrestleTubularVisual index to various typesList of bridgesbascule bridgescantilever bridgesmedieval stone bridges in Germanymulti-level bridgesroad–rail bridgestoll bridgesvertical-lift bridgesList of bridge–tunnelsList of lists of covered bridges in North AmericaBy lengthSuspension bridgesCable-stayed bridgesContinuous truss bridgesArch bridgesMasonry arch bridgesHighestTallestBridge failuresBridge to nowhereBridges in art