Feankleaster is a small village in Noardeast-Fryslân municipality in the province of Friesland, the Netherlands, with a population of around 97 in January 2017.[5] Feankleaster started as a peat excavation settlement in the 11th or 12th century and developed along the intersection of the road from Kollum to Kollumersweach and Twijzel.The estate remains private property and is nowadays owned by Kyra Livia, Baroness van Harinxma thoe Slooten [nl].[4] In 1870, the manor house It Lytse Slot was built in Feankleaster by the van Heemstra family.[8][9] The village made national headlines after the murder of Marianne Vaatstra and subsequent riots which took place in the area in 1999.