Urim and Thummim

[4] Along these lines, the Urim and Thummim are hypothesized to derive from the Tablet of Destinies worn by Marduk on his breast according to Babylonian religion.According to classical rabbinical literature, in order for the Urim and Thummim to give an answer, it was first necessary for the individual to stand facing the fully dressed high priest, and vocalise the question briefly and in a simple way, though it was not necessary for it to be loud enough for anyone else to hear it.[14] The first reference to Urim and Thummim in the Bible is the description in the Book of Exodus concerning the high priest's vestments;[15] the chronologically earliest passage mentioning them, according to textual scholars, is in the Book of Hosea,[16] where it is implied, by reference to the Ephod, that the Urim and Thummim were fundamental elements in the popular form of the Israelite religion,[3] in the mid 8th century BC.[26][27][28] In a passage from the part of the Book of Ezra which overlaps with the Book of Nehemiah, it is mentioned that individuals who were unable to prove, after the Babylonian captivity had ended, that they were descended from the priesthood before the captivity began, were required to wait until priests in possession of Urim and Thummim were discovered;[29] this would appear to confirm the statements in the Talmud that the Urim and Thummim had by then been lost.[1][4][3] Indeed, since the priestly source, which textual scholars date to a couple of centuries prior to the captivity, does not appear to know what the Urim and Thummim looked like, and there is no mention of the Urim and Thummim in the deuteronomic history beyond the death of David, scholars suspect that use of them decayed some time before the Babylonian conquest,[3] probably as a result of the growing influence of prophets at that time.[9] Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, said that he used interpreters in order to translate the Book of Mormon from the golden plates.[36] Smith extended the use of the term "Urim and Thummim" to describe the dwelling place of God, the earth in a future state, and the white stone mentioned in the Book of Revelation.[37] In accordance with the belief that Urim and Thummim translates to "Light and Truth", the Latin equivalent Lux et Veritas has been used for several university mottoes.Urim and Thummim itself is emblazoned in Hebrew across the open book pictured on the Yale University coat of arms, and the translation Lux et Veritas appears below on a banner.
"God speaks through the Urim and Thummim," 1705 engraving by Jan Luyken . The breastplate projects the word ברקת ‎ ( barakat , " emerald ").
Yale University coat of arms , with Urim and Thummim shown in Hebrew letters on an open book
Urim (disambiguation)Priesthood in JudaismPresumption of priestly descentPriestly covenantPriestly BlessingRedemption of the firstborn sonThe Torah instruction of the KohanimSacrificeIncense offeringBeth din shel KohanimPriestly divisionsHigh PriestsEleazarPhinehasAhimelechAbiatharShallumHilkiahJehoiadaJoshua the High PriestSimeon the JustIshmael ben Elisha HaKohenJoshua ben GamlaPhannias ben SamuelTwenty-four priestly giftsSin offeringShowbreadmeal offeringFirstborn animalBurnt offeringthank offeringNaziriteHeave offeringHeave offering of the Levite's titheDough offeringForeleg, cheeks and mawCoins for redemption of the firstborn sonRedemption of a donkeyDedication of property to a priestAll PriestsUndergarmentsTurbanHigh PriestFrontletBreastplateThe mitzvah of sanctifying the KohenKohanic disqualificationsHoly anointing oilAaron's rodBat-Kohen (daughter of a kohen)Sons of ZadokContact by a kohen with a dead body13 Kohanic citiesHebrew BibleHebrewhoshenOld TestamentExodus1 SamuelKing SaulEzra 2cleromancyNeqqudotMasoretic TextTheodotionVulgateSt. JeromeHexaplaconsonantal rootWilliam Muss-ArnoltBabylonianpluralis intensivusTablet of DestiniesMardukBabylonian religionJan Luykenemeraldbiblical scholarsJonathanSeptuagintHebrew high priestBook of Exodussacred breastplatetextual scholarspriestly sourceordealclassical rabbinical literatureMaimonidesArk of the CovenantHoly SpiritTalmudicJosephusHebrew alphabetBook of HoseaJerusalemTemple in JerusalemJoshuaAdullamMaccabeesJerusalem was sacked by the BabyloniansBook of EzraBook of NehemiahBabylonian captivitydeuteronomic historySecond TempleAbraham ben DavidUrim and Thummim (Latter Day Saints)Seer stone (Latter Day Saints)Joseph SmithLatter Day Saint movementBook of Mormongolden platesLucy Mack SmithEmma Smithother divine revelationsDoctrine and CovenantsJoseph Smith Translation of the BibleOliver CowderyLatter Day SaintsBook of RevelationYale University coat of armsHebrew lettersIndiana UniversityUniversity of MontanaNortheastern UniversityInternational EmmyThe Truth About MarikaThe company PPaulo Coelho'sThe AlchemistMelchizedekJohn BellairsJacob YoungDivinationOracleprophecyclairvoyanceScryingCanaaniteAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and LiteraturesGeorge Foote MooreEncyclopedia BiblicaHirsch, Emil G.Muss-Arnolt, WilliamBacher, WilhelmBlau, LudwigSinger, IsidoreThe Jewish EncyclopediaIsrael FinkelsteinWikisourceAmi MagazineTargum Pseudo-JonathanGinzberg, LouisSmith, Lucy MackPittsburgh City PaperJohn WesleyCyrus ScofieldJewish priesthoodPriestly sashPriestly breastplatePriestly tunicPriestly robePriestly undergarmentsPriestly turbanShemen AfarsimonPriestly crown