
To the younger generation of native Hebrew speakers, these distinctions seem arbitrary and meaningless; on the other hand, Hebrew language purists have rejected out of hand the idea of changing the basics of niqqud and fitting them to the current pronunciation – with the result that in practice niqqud is increasingly going out of use.[5] According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, the lack of niqqud in what he calls "Israeli" (Modern Hebrew) often results in "mispronunciations".[6]: 49  The surname of American actress Farrah Fawcett (פארה פוסט) is often pronounced fost instead of fóset by many Israelis.Both consonants and niqqud can be typed from virtual graphical keyboards available on the World Wide Web, or by methods integrated into particular operating systems.[13] Notes: SIL International have developed another standard, which is based on Tiro, but adds the Niqqud along the home keys.
Tiberian vocalizationBabylonian vocalizationPalestinian vocalizationSamaritan vocalization ְ  ֱ  ֲ  ֳ  ִ  ֵ  ֶ  ַ  ָ  ֹ  ֻ  ּ  ֿ cantillationgereshgershayimPatachKamatzDageshMappiqShurukKubutzSin/Shin dotHebreworthographyModernTiberiandiacriticalvowelsHebrew alphabetEarly Middle AgesMasoretesTiberiasLand of IsraelMasoretic TextTiberian Hebrewktiv menuqadktiv malehAcademy of the Hebrew Languagemodern HebrewpataḥqamatzGhil'ad ZuckermanntoponymHebrew BibleFarrah FawcettIsraelisAshkenazidiacriticshort vowelTransliterationIsraeliReduced segolReduced patachReduced kamatzHiriq maleiZeire maleiSegol maleiPatach maleiKamatz gadolKamatz maleiKamatz katanHolam maleiplosivefricativeבגדכפתearlier forms of HebrewallophonicIsraeli HebrewgeminationprofanitiesgutturalTen CommandmentscantillationsShin dotSin dotWorld Wide WebWindows 8Windows 7SIL InternationalArabicharakatHebrew diacriticsQ're perpetuumHebrew spellingHebrew keyboardZuckermann, Ghil'adMicrosoftHebrew languageLanguageAlphabetHistoryAncient inscriptionsTransliteration to Englishfrom EnglishGematriaBiblicalnorthern dialectMishnaicMedievalSephardiItalianMizrahiYemeniteSamaritanPalestinianBabylonianBrailleAshuriCursiveCrowningPaleo-HebrewSolitreoSamechKubutz/shurukSpellingwith NiqqudMater lectionisAbbreviationsPlene scriptumPunctuationDiacriticsInverted nunShekel signNumeralsPhonologyPhilippi's lawLaw of attenuationVerbal morphologySemitic rootsPrefixesSuffixesSegolateVav-consecutiveRevivalAcademyKeyboardancientmodern IsraeliSurnamesUnicode and HTMLGesenius' Hebrew GrammarGesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament ScripturesBrown–Driver–BriggsStrong's ConcordanceHebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament