Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio)

Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio) (HWV 170) is a dramatic secular cantata for soprano and instruments written by George Frideric Handel in 1707.The payment on 6 July 1707 (recorded in Pamphili's account books) for the copying of a large cantata probably refers to Tra le fiamme.[3] The work is scored for two recorders (flauto), oboes (hautbois), two violins, viola da gamba, a "Violone Grosso" (as specified in Handel's autograph) and, as customary practice in the 18th century, a harpsichord.Cadon mille farfalle nel foco, e si trova una sola fenice, che risorge se a morte sen va.Icarus, the young child confused the cunning work; Ah, so he should never have treated wax and feathers in this way: For those not born a bird, flying is a miracle and falling is customary.
black&white photograph of a 1710 miniature of a young man's portrait
Händel c. 1710
cantataGeorge Frideric HandelBenedetto PamphiliDaedalusIcarusphoenixVittoria TarquiniPrince Ferdinand de' MedicimovementsHicks, AnthonySadie, StanleyThe New Grove Dictionary of Music and MusiciansMacmillan PublishersBrilliant ClassicsList of operasList of compositionsHandel's lost Hamburg operasFlorindoDaphneAlmiraRodrigoAgrippinaRinaldoIl pastor fidoAmadigi di GaulaAcis and GalateaRadamistoMuzio ScevolaFloridanteOttoneFlavioGiulio CesareTamerlanoRodelindaScipioneAlessandroAdmetoRiccardo PrimoTolomeoLotario (Handel)PartenopeSosarmeCatoneOrlandoArianna in CretaParnasso in festaOresteAriodanteAlcinaAtalantaArminioGiustinoBereniceFaramondoAlessandro SeveroGiove in ArgoImeneoDeidamiaLascia ch'io piangaOmbra mai fuSvegliatevi nel coreVa tacito e nascostoThe AlchemistAlcesteIl trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno / Il trionfo del Tempo e della Verità / The Triumph of Time and TruthLa resurrezioneBrockes PassionEstherDeborahAthaliaIsrael in EgyptL'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il ModeratoMessiahStructurePart IPart IIPart IIIDer MessiasScratch MessiahSamsonSemeleJoseph and his BrethrenHerculesBelshazzarOccasional OratorioJudas MaccabaeusJoshuaAlexander BalusSusannaSolomonTheodoraThe Choice of HerculesJephthaAci, Galatea e PolifemoOde for the Birthday of Queen AnneAlexander's FeastOde For St. Cecilia's DayAgrippina condotta a morire or Dunque sarà pur veroAllor ch'io dissi addioAure soavi e lietiClori, Tirsi e FilenoDalla guerra amorosaDel bell'idolo mioApollo e DafneO lucenti, o sereni occhiEro e LeandroUn'alma innamorataDixit DominusGloriaNisi DominusSalve ReginaAs Pants the HartZadok the PriestFuneral Anthem for Queen CarolineSing Unto GodChandos AnthemsWedding anthem for Princess AnneFoundling Hospital AnthemUtrecht Te Deum and JubilateDettingen Te DeumQueen Caroline Te DeumChandos JubilateOboe Concerto No. 3Oboe Concerto No. 1Oboe Concerto No. 2Water MusicMusic for the Royal FireworksXV soloFitzwilliamOrgan concertos, Op. 4Organ concertos, Op. 7Concerti grossi, Op. 3Concerti grossi, Op. 6The Arrival of the Queen of ShebaGermanicoGideonThe Harmonious BlacksmithKeyboard suite in D minor (HWV 437)The Cuckoo and the Nightingale (HVW 295, Organ Concerto No. 13)Handel Reference DatabaseHändel-Werke-VerzeichnisHändel-GesellschaftHallische Händel-AusgabeGöttingenLondonBritish citizenshipLetters and writingsHandel at CannonsHandel HouseHandel & Hendrix in LondonGeorg HändelHändel-Jahrbuch