The Snake King's Wife

The Villagers were so afraid that they abandoned the wedding as the rich man, Soriya's father, dropped dead immediately after his step wife ran away for her life.Despite his features, his wife still loved him, until one day, she gave birth to a female baby called Cantra.When she grew up, her father, suddenly, turned to stone and her mother became a psycho after she was kidnapped and forced to eat the blood of raw meat as food.Finally, the curse was broken and her parents became normal human beings as Cantra's hair turned long and beautiful.In Thailand, the film reached double the number of hits than that of the Cambodia Box office.[7] After the success of the film in Cambodia, the film was then progressed in its story with the title The Snake Man Part 2 which was a co-production by Cambodia and Thailand starring Cambodian heartthrobs Chea Yuthorn (ជា យុទ្ធថន) and Dy Saveth (ឌី សាវ៉េត), together with formerly famous Thai actress Aranya Namwong[4] and released at the following year of the prequel.
Dy SavethSaksi SbongCambodiahorror filmCambodiansnake goddessChinese CambodianKhmer CinemaSoutheast AsiaSingaporeThe Snake Man Part 2Aranya NamwongThe Snake King's Child