Methodist Church (United States)

[1] The Methodist Episcopal Church had split in 1844 over the issue of slavery and the impending Civil War in America.During the American Civil War, the southern denomination was known briefly as The Methodist Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America.The Methodist Church then later merged with the Evangelical United Brethren Church on April 23, 1968, to form the United Methodist Church (UMC) with its headquarters, offices and publishing houses in Nashville, Tennessee.Over the next few years most of the individual local congregations in the two bodies under the names of "Methodist Church" or "Evangelical United Brethren Church" changed the latter part of their name to: "------ United Methodist Church".The new UMC became one of the largest and most widespread denominations in America.
Mainline ProtestantEvangelicalMethodismPolityConnectionalismepiscopal polityFederal Council of ChurchesMerger ofMethodist Episcopal ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church, SouthMethodist Protestant ChurchFellowship of Fundamental Bible ChurchesFundamental Methodist Conference, Inc.Evangelical Methodist ChurchAssociation of Independent MethodistsUnited Methodist ChurchMethodistdenominationUnited StatessouthernslaveryCivil WarAmericaThe Methodist Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of AmericaThe Book of Worship for Church and HomeThe Book of HymnsEvangelical United BrethrenNashville, TennesseemodernismThe Book of DisciplineAnglican Churchin North AmericaHistory of Methodism in the United StatesFirst Great AwakeningArticles of ReligionCircuit riderLovely Lane Methodist ChurchBarratt's ChapelChristmas ConferenceThomas CokeFrancis AsburySecond Great AwakeningConnexionalismMethodist Church (USA)DerivativesEvangelical AssociationAfrican Methodist Episcopal ChurchAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church of CanadaChristian UnionChurch of God (Holiness)Christ's Sanctified Holy ChurchChurch of the NazarenePilgrim Holiness ChurchPentecostal Holiness Church of North CarolinaLumber River Conference of the Holiness Methodist ChurchKentucky Mountain Holiness AssociationRepublican Methodist ChurchChristian ConnectionCongregational Christian ChurchesConservative Congregational Christian ConferenceNational Association of Congregational Christian ChurchesUnited Church of ChristWesleyan Methodist ChurchChurch of Daniel's BandFire-Baptized Holiness ChurchMissionary Methodist ChurchBible Methodist Connection of ChurchesBible Methodist Connection of TennesseeAllegheny Wesleyan Methodist ConnectionCongregational Methodist ChurchChristian Methodist Episcopal ChurchPeople's Methodist ChurchSouthern Methodist ChurchFree Methodist ChurchReformed Free Methodist ChurchUnited Holiness ChurchEvangelical Wesleyan Church