Association of Independent Methodists

There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," and "Jesus Christ alone is Man's Redeemer and is the only way to salvation and everlasting life."Furthermore, the Association believes in Jesus' "full deity, virgin birth, atoning death, bodily resurrection, heavenly ascension, and imminent return".Salvation is "by grace through faith in the atonement and merits of Christ, appropriated through the repentance of sins and a lively trust in Him".The Association celebrates two Sacraments, common to other Methodist bodies: the Lord's Supper and Baptism, by method of choice.AIM has affiliations with Wesley Biblical Seminary and Kentucky Mountain Bible College and keeps ecumenical relations with the Congregational Methodist Church, the National Association of Wesleyan Evangelicals, and the Methodist Protestant Church, as well as the missionary-sending organization World Gospel Mission and is a member of the Global Wesleyan Alliance.
Independent MethodistProtestantismMethodismWesleyanHolinessPolityCongregationalJackson, MississippiSeparated fromThe Methodist ChurchMethodistholiness movementMethodist ChurchSouthern United StatesSalvationEvangelicalentire sanctificationArminianprevenient gracethe Lord's SupperBaptismchargesWesley Biblical SeminaryKentucky Mountain Bible CollegeCongregational Methodist ChurchNational Association of Wesleyan EvangelicalsMethodist Protestant ChurchWorld Gospel MissionFellowship of Independent Methodist ChurchesLewis, James R.Amherst, New YorkPrometheus Books