The Masked Singer Australia is an Australian reality television singing competition show which was hosted by Osher Günsberg,[1] that premiered on Network 10 on 23 September 2019.Australian singer Dannii Minogue, comedian Dave Hughes and radio presenter Jackie O were also announced alongside Lohan."[20] Everyone involved in the show signed a non-disclosure agreement which prevented anyone from revealing any information about the shooting dates, costumes or identities of the masks episode until its broadcast."[22] Audience members had to place their phones in a special magnetic locked pouch when they were on set and were frequently swept throughout filming by security, which included former ASIO officials, for any devices and hidden cameras to ensure the masks' identities were kept secret.[24][25] Following the announcement of the series, it was confirmed by Network 10 that the judging panel would consist of international actress and singer Lindsay Lohan, radio personality Jackie O, singer-songwriter Dannii Minogue and comedian Dave Hughes.