The Eternal (film)

Trance, (also released as The Eternal), is a 1998 American horror film directed and written by Michael Almereyda and starring Alison Elliott, Jared Harris, and Christopher Walken.When she revives and kills Joe, they retreat to the kitchen, where they electrocute her, and her burning body falls through the floor.[2] It had previously been titled The Mummy, but it was retitled to Trance when it clashed with the Stephen Sommers film of the same name.[4] Gary Morris of Bright Lights Film Journal wrote, "The Eternal's mood-drenched Irish coastal landscape and unsettling sense that these are real people trapped in an unreal, terrifying world make it well worth the watch.Club wrote, "It may be more thoughtful, less derivative, and ultimately more interesting than this year's other Mummy, but it still feels half-baked."[3] Robert Pardi of TV Guide rated it two out of four stars and wrote, "Unfortunately, its excessive artiness undermines the laudable effort to make character more important than blood and guts."[6] Ken W. Hanley of Fangoria wrote, "Almereyda's take on independent witchcraft horror boasts commendable imagery, wonderful supernatural moments and admirably gonzo acting choices, placing an abstract perspective on a subgenre that is otherwise clouded in Gothic inspiration."[7] In The Mummy in Fact, Fiction and Film, Susan D. Cowie and Tom Johnson called it "a disjointed opus that is quite hard to follow".[8] The TLA Video rated it two out of four stars, calling it "a moderately interesting mishmash" with "murky presentation and vague 'scares'," despite some comic moments by actor Christopher Walken.
Eternals (film)Eternal (film)Michael AlmereydaMark AminAlison ElliottJared HarrisChristopher WalkenJim DenaultSimon Fisher-TurnerTrimark Pictureshorror filmMark GearyToronto International Film Festivaldirect-to-videobog bodyLois SmithJason MillerDavid GearyYonkersStephen Sommersfilm of the same nameRotten Tomatoesreview aggregatorBright Lights Film JournalThe A.V. ClubTV GuideFangoriaTLA VideoSitges - Catalan International Film FestivalChristopher Walken filmographyFilmmakerThe Seattle TimesMcFarland & CompanyTwisterAnother Girl Another PlanetTranceHamletHappy Here and NowWilliam Eggleston in the Real WorldCymbelineExperimenterMarjorie PrimeEscapes