The Address (film)

The Address is a 2014 documentary film for television written, co-produced and directed by Ken Burns.The Address follows a group of students from The Greenwood School, a boarding school in Putney, Vermont for boys in Grades 6-12 with special needs, such as dyslexia and ADHD as they prepare to recite the Gettysburg Address.The documentary follows the students in their day-to-day lives at the boarding school, as they each prepare for the recital.Brian Lowry of Variety said, "[I]t surely must have felt like something of a respite to play small ball for a while with "The Address," profiling a school for teenage boys with learning disabilities in Vermont, and the children for whom memorizing and reciting the Gettysburg Address is a rite of passage.Despite its relative lack of heft, the project is reasonably effective in providing a window into these kids' worlds, however narrow the aperture might be.
Ken Burnsdocumentary filmfor televisionThe Greenwood Schoolboarding schoolPutney, VermontdyslexiaGettysburg AddressVarietyBrooklyn BridgeThe Statue of LibertyHuey LongThe CongressThomas Hart BentonThe Civil WarBaseballThomas JeffersonNot for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. AnthonyMark TwainThe WarThe Tenth InningProhibitionThe Dust BowlThe Central Park FiveThe Roosevelts: An Intimate HistoryJackie RobinsonThe Vietnam WarCountry MusicHemingwayMuhammad AliBenjamin FranklinThe U.S. and the HolocaustThe American BuffaloLeonardo da VinciCancer: The Emperor of All MaladiesThe WestSarah BurnsLilly BurnsRic BurnsDayton DuncanLynn NovickGeoffrey C. WardKen Burns effect