Sweyn III of Denmark

Sweyn travelled with Eric II to Norway in the mid-1130s, when his father fought King Niels to win the Danish throne.[2] At the abdication of Eric III in 1146, Sweyn was elected king by the magnates on Zealand while Canute V was crowned by their counterparts in Jutland.[3] For the next years, Sweyn fought a civil war against Canute for the kingship of Denmark, supported by Valdemar.[2] The deal made Sweyn "premier king", with Canute eligible to receive a substantial portion of Denmark, and Valdemar keeping the Duchy of Schleswig.Sweyn's army was defeated, and he was killed by peasants who caught him when his horse was sucked into a bog while he fled from the battle.
Saxon World ChronicleKing of DenmarkEric III LambValdemar I the GreatCanute VGrathe HeathViborg CathedralAdela of MeissenEstridsenEric II the MemorableDanishValdemar IBattle of Grathe HeathErik II the MemorableNorwayKing NielsEric IIIConrad III of GermanyFrederickValdemarcanonizeCanute LavardEskil of LundScaniaabdicationmagnatesZealandJutlandcivil warArchbishop of LundBornholmWendish CrusadeflagshipDuke of SchleswigAdolf II of HolsteinKing of GermanyMerseburgGermanHenry the LionRoskildepeasantsConrad, Margrave of MeissenBerthold I of IstriaWayback MachineThe Danish MonarchyBricka, Carl FrederikHouse of EstridsenEric LambValdemar the GreatMonarchs of DenmarkKnýtlingaСanute IGorm the OldHarald I BluetoothSweyn IHarald IICanute IICanute IIIFairhairMagnus the GoodSweyn II EstridsenHarald III HenCanute IV the SaintOlaf I HungerEric I EvergoodCanute VIValdemar II the VictoriousValdemar the YoungEric IV Plough-taxChristopher IEric V KlippingEric VI MenvedChristopher IIEric ChristoffersenValdemar IIIValdemar IV AtterdagBjälboOlaf IIMargrete IPomeraniaEric VII of PomeraniaPalatinate-NeumarktChristopher III of BavariaOldenburgChristian IChristian IIFrederick IChristian IIIFrederick IIChristian IVFrederick IIIChristian VFrederick IVChristian VIFrederick VChristian VIIFrederick VIChristian VIIIFrederick VIIGlücksburgChristian IXFrederick VIIIChristian XFrederik IXMargrethe IIFrederik Xmonarchs of Norwaymonarch of Englandmonarch of Swedenmonarch of Icelandcounts of Monpezat