Eric Christoffersen of Denmark

"[1] Eric was the eldest son of King Christopher II and Euphemia of Pomerania.[2] In 1325, his father asked him to halt the Counts of Holstein and their allies, but was deserted by his troops, taken prisoner and confined in Haderslev Castle.His father was forced to abdicate and go into exile, while the 12-year-old Duke Valdemar of Southern Jutland was made king of Denmark under the regent, Count Gerhard III of Holstein.[3] After a period of chaos in the "magnates’ republic" of Denmark, King Christopher was restored as a puppet monarch in 1329 through the help of his half-brother Count John III.Eric was released in 1330, on the condition he married Elizabeth of Holstein-Rendsburg, dowager duchess of Saxe-Lauenburg and sister of his father's enemy, Count Gerhard III, by whom he had no children.
List of burials in St. Bendt's Church, Ringsted , with Eric Christoffersen at the bottom.
Christopher I of DenmarkEric V of DenmarkJunior King of DenmarkCoronationChristopher IISorø AbbeySt. Bendt's ChurchElizabeth of Holstein-RendsburgEstridsenChristopher II of DenmarkEuphemia of PomeraniaSt. Bendt's Church, RingstedDanishKing Christopher IIHouse of EstridsenHaderslev CastleDuke ValdemarSouthern JutlandGerhard IIIpuppet monarchCount John IIIDanevirkeValdemar IV of DenmarkHuitfeldt, ArildKing of DenmarkValdemar IIIMonarchs of DenmarkKnýtlingaСanute IGorm the OldHarald I BluetoothSweyn IHarald IICanute IICanute IIIFairhairMagnus the GoodSweyn II EstridsenHarald III HenCanute IV the SaintOlaf I HungerEric I EvergoodEric II the MemorableEric III LambSweyn III GratheCanute VValdemar I the GreatCanute VIValdemar II the VictoriousValdemar the YoungEric IV Plough-taxChristopher IEric V KlippingEric VI MenvedValdemar IV AtterdagBjälboOlaf IIMargrete IPomeraniaEric VII of PomeraniaPalatinate-NeumarktChristopher III of BavariaOldenburgChristian IChristian IIFrederick IChristian IIIFrederick IIChristian IVFrederick IIIChristian VFrederick IVChristian VIFrederick VChristian VIIFrederick VIChristian VIIIFrederick VIIGlücksburgChristian IXFrederick VIIIChristian XFrederik IXMargrethe IIFrederik Xmonarchs of Norwaymonarch of Englandmonarch of Swedenmonarch of Icelandcounts of Monpezat