The UltraSPARC is a microprocessor developed by Sun Microsystems and fabricated by Texas Instruments, introduced in mid-1995.It is the first microprocessor from Sun to implement the 64-bit SPARC V9 instruction set architecture (ISA).One executes floating point adds and subtracts, one multiplies, one divides and square-roots.The external cache is implemented with synchronous SRAMs clocked at the same frequency as the microprocessor, as ratios were not supported.The process was perfected on TI's MVP digital signal processor (DSP) with some features missing such as three levels of metal instead of four and a 0.55 feature size, before it was used to fabricate the UltraSPARC to avoid a repeat of the fabrication problems encountered with SuperSPARC.
Sun Microsystemsclock rateInstruction setSPARC V9SuperSPARCUltraSPARC IImicroprocessorTexas Instrumentsinstruction set architectureMarc Tremblaysuperscalarpipelineregister fileregister windowsarithmetic logic unitsVisual Instruction Setcomplementary metal–oxide–semiconductorBiCMOSdigital signal processorball grid arrayUltraSPARC IIIUltraSPARC IVMicroprocessor ReportAcquired by OracleSun386iSPARCstation/server/centerSPARCclassicEnterpriseBlade serverBlade workstationSPARC EnterpriseJavaStationJava WorkstationCobalt QubeCobalt RaQMB86900microSPARCUltraSPARC T1UltraSPARC T2SPARC T3SPARC T4SPARC T5FireplaneLOM portModular DatacenterNeptuneSystem Service ProcessorSPARC T seriesUltra Port ArchitectureSolarisSunViewOpenWindowsJava Desktop SystemStudioStarOfficeiPlanetJava SystemSun Secure Global DesktopGlassFishVirtualBoxStorageTek 5800 SystemStorageTek SL8500Open StorageConstellation SystemVisualization SystemGrid EngineLustreSun Microsystems LaboratoriespicoJavaFortressProject Looking GlassCommon Development and Distribution LicenseJava Community ProcessNetBeansOpenOffice.orgOpenSolarisOpenSPARCOpenJDKOpen Source University MeetupPeopleBill JoyAndy BechtolsheimScott McNealyVinod KhoslaAfara WebsystemsCobalt NetworksGridwareLighthouse DesignMontalvo SystemsMySQL ABProcom TechnologySavaJeStorageTekTarantellaThe Network is the ComputerWrite once, run anywhere