Street football (American)

Penalties are rare and are usually only enforced in the most egregious cases, such as serious injuries or blatant pass interference.The game ends when a pre-determined number of touchdowns or points has been scored, or an arbitrary time is reached (for instance, dusk or the start of school).In order to achieve a series of downs, backyard football requires the team with the ball to complete two passes or reach a certain point on the field.Few games include enough people, or the proper equipment, to run a chain crew to maintain the 10 yards familiar in most organized leagues.Many versions skip this process and start the offense at a certain point, similar to that following a touchback in organized leagues.Thus, until an interception or turnover on downs occurs, both teams defend and attempt to score on the same end zone.There can be a rush on the quarterback (commonly called a blitz in this context) depending on the rules set out before the game.Atari's Backyard Football series, on the other hand, is a more kid-friendly game with players including child versions of NFL stars.
Several people playing backyard American football
The Minneapolis Marines sandlot football team of 1908
Street footballAmerican footballtouch footballtacklingscratchplaying both offense and defensead hochouse rulesPenaltiespass interferencehonor systemchain crewpassingrunningoffensive linedefensive linepassing playsdown and outcentereligible receiverguardsturnoverinterceptionturnover on downstouchdownkickofftouchbackField goalsextra pointend zoneMississippihand offshotgunTwo-point conversionsLingerie Football LeagueStars Football LeagueMinneapolis MarinesRochester, New Yorkhigh school footballRochester JeffersonsNational Football LeagueEA SportsNFL StreetBlitz seriesMidway GamesBackyard FootballDaily NewsNewsdayHanover, PennsylvaniaThe Hamilton SpectatorHamilton, OntarioYouTubeGridiron footballAmericanGlossaryHistoryModernCanadianAmerican–Canadian comparisonBurnside rulesPowderpuffWheelchairRules of gridiron football codesPop WarnerHigh schoolVarsityJunior varsityCollegeSprintSemi-proProfessionalWomen'sInternationalYard linesHash marksEnd lineGoal lineSidelinesLine of scrimmageField goal rangeRed zoneDead zoneNeutral zoneCoffin cornerPocketOne-point conversionTwo-point conversionField goalSafetySingle (rouge)Forward passLateralIncomplete passDrop-back passHail Mary passHand-offDrop kickOnside kickTurnoversFumbleMuffed punt"Peanut Punch"First downFourth down conversionPlay clock3 min.2 min.1 min.Clock managementRunning out the clockUntimed playGarbage timeAll-purpose yardageCompletionNext Gen StatsPass deflectedPasser ratingPassing yardsReceiving yardsReceptionReturn yardsRushing yardsTotal offenseTotal quarterback ratingTouchdown passYards after catchYards from scrimmagePractice squadTwo-a-daysOklahoma drillThree-cone drillFilm sessionOfficialPenaltyPenalty flagInstant replayBlockingCoaching treeConcussionsEquipmentFootball IQFormationsLettermanGatorade showerPositionsRunning up the scoreStrategyTouchdown celebrationTuck ruleTrading cardTwelfth man