Smoking car

During the late 19th century, when relatively few women smoked, North American passenger trains kept the majority of passenger seating areas smoke-free by including isolated areas for smoking.Longer trains might include one or two open coaches designated type PN by the American Railway Association while shorter trains might include a combine car designated type CS with a bulkhead separating two compartments.These smoking cars had floors without carpeting and seats were often without upholstery to minimize damage by hot ashes.[1] The smoking car, sometimes called a club car, was regarded as a place where men could relax, entertaining each other with songs and stories of off-color humor without offending other passengers.[2] Smoking on Amtrak was prohibited in 1993 through an internal policy and officially banned and extended to electronic cigarettes by the Banning Smoking on Amtrak Act of 2019.
Smoking cars, like this combine car, were typically carried at one end of the train so passengers could move through other coaches and sleeping cars to reach the dining car without passing through smoke.
sleeping carsdining carrailroad carsmokingpassengerspassenger trainsmoke-freeopen coachesAmerican Railway Associationcombine carbaggagecarpetingupholsteryspittoonsoff-color humorinsectscontagious diseasesAmtrakWalthers, W.K.Wauwatosa, WisconsinRail transportpassenger equipmentHead end power carRailway post officeTravelling Post OfficeBilevelColonistCompartmentCorridorCouchetteDiningLoungeObservationParlorPassengerRoometteSleeper / PullmanAutorackCombineCrew carPrivateTroop kitchen / Troop sleeperVestibuled trainMultiple unitRail motor coachRailcarRailbus