Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple (Chinese: 释迦牟尼菩提迦耶寺) is a Buddhist monastery in Singapore.The Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple was founded in 1927 by a Thai monk known as Ven Vutthisara.The large central statue is surrounded by a stylized aura made of numerous light bulbs— often lit with a donation towards the temple(approach the friendly staff to request)—from which the temple derives its nickname.On Vesak Day, the annual holiday celebrating the birth and enlightenment of Lord Buddha, devotees donate money to the temple and in exchange are allowed to place gold leaf onto a small statue of the Buddha.As the day wears on, the Buddha statue is almost entirely covered in a fresh layer of gold leaves.
Sakya Muni Buddha Statue in the
temple, Indonesia