Rostromedial tegmental nucleus

It is poorly differentiated from the rest of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and possesses robust functional and structural links to the dopamine pathways.[1][2] Notably, both acute and chronic exposure to psychostimulants have been shown to induce FosB and ΔFosB expression in the RMTg;[1][2] no other drug type has been shown to induce these proteins in the RMTg.[1][2] The GABAergic neurons that project from the RMTg to the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei (i.e., the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta) express μ-opioid receptors.[1][2] Current evidence suggests that exogenous opiates (e.g., morphine and heroin) excite the dopamine pathways originating in the VTA by activating the μ-opioid receptors in neurons projecting from the RMTg;[1][2] opioid activation of these neurons leads to disinhibition of the GABAergic brake on dopamine networks.[1][2] Since RMTg projections to the VTA are the primary inhibitor of the dopaminergic pathways that are implicated in addiction (e.g., the mesolimbic pathway), the RMTg plays a significant role in the development of opiate addictions.
GABAergicventral tegmental areadopamine pathwayspsychostimulantsΔFosBMedial prefrontal cortexCingulate cortexPreoptic areaLateral hypothalamusSuperior colliculusPeriaqueductal grayDorsal rapheLaterodorsal tegmental nucleusSubstantia nigraNucleus accumbensPontine tegmentumVentral pallidumRaphe nucleicentral nervous systemendogenous opioidsopiatesubstantia nigra pars compactaμ-opioid receptorsmorphineheroinaddictionmesolimbic pathwayAcetylcholineNucleus basalis of MeynertNeocortexSeptal nucleiMedial septal nucleusFornixHippocampusStriatumDopaminergic pathwaysMesocortical pathwayPrefrontal corticesolfactory tubercleNigrostriatal pathwayCaudate nucleusputamenTuberoinfundibular pathwayInfundibular nucleusMedian eminenceNorepinephrineLocus coeruleusLateral tegmental fieldSerotonin pathwaysAnterior raphespinal tractLateral raphespinal tractAspartateClimbing fibersGlobus pallidusGlycineRenshaw cellsGlutamateThalamusSubthalamic nucleus