
... Annas and Caiaphas say to Pilate: All the multitude of us cry out that he [Jesus] was born of fornication, and are not believed; these [who disagree] are proselytes, and his disciples.The proselyte is circumcised as an adult (milah l'shem giur), if male, and immerses in a mikvah to formally effect the conversion.[14][citation needed] There is some debate however as to whether proselytes known as God-fearers (Phoboumenoi)[15] and/or Worshippers (Sebomenoi),[16] who were baptized but not circumcised, fall into the righteous or gate category.In rabbinic literature the ger toshab was a Gentile who observed the Noachian commandments but was not considered a convert to Judaism because he did not agree to circumcision.Some scholars have claimed that the term "those who fear God" (yir᾿ei Elohim/Shamayim) was used in rabbinic literature to denote Gentiles who were on the fringe of the synagogue.
ProselytismCanonsTanakhNevi'imKetuvimOld Testament (OT)New Testament (NT)DeuterocanonAntilegomenaChapters and versesApocryphaJewishAuthorshipDatingHebrew canonOld Testament canonNew Testament canonComposition of the TorahMosaic authorshipPauline epistlesPetrine epistlesJohannine worksTranslationsmanuscriptsDead Sea scrollsMasoretic TextSamaritan PentateuchTargumimSeptuagintPeshittaVetus LatinaVulgateGothic BibleLuther BibleEnglish Biblesby languageBiblical studiesArcheologyArtifactsHistoricityInternal consistencyPeoplePlacesBiblia Hebraica StuttgartensiaRahlfs' SeptuagintNovum Testamentum GraeceDocumentary hypothesisNT textual categoriesBiblical criticismHistoricalTextualSourceRedactionCanonicalHermeneuticsPesherMidrashPardesAllegorical interpretationHistorical-grammatical methodInspirationLiteralismAlcoholConspiracy theoryEthicsCapital punishmentHomosexualityIncestMuhammadProphecySerpentsSlaveryViolenceWarfareGnosticIslamicQuranicInerrancyInfallibilityCriticism of the BibleBiblical authorityOutline of Bible-related topicsbiblicalanglicizationKoine GreekIsraelGreek New TestamentAncient Greek religionBiblical Hebrewger toshavLaw of MosesNew TestamentsynagoguesGod-fearersActs of PilateCaiaphasPilateRabbinic Judaismgentilemikvahresident alienSeven Laws of Noahworld to comeCircumcision controversy in early ChristianityEarly ChristianbaptizedAnusimNoahidismSons of NoahLouis H. FeldmanDetroitWayne State University PressFeldman, Louis H.EdinburghT&T ClarkIndiana University PressHellenisticearly Roman periodsconvertsJewish laws and customsmonotheismworship of Pagan godsrabbinic literatureger toshabNoachian commandmentscircumcisionobserved part of the lawGeoffrey W. BromileyBauer lexiconEncyclopædia BritannicaCatholic EncyclopediaThe Jewish Encyclopedia