Refuge siding

A refuge siding is a single-ended, or dead-end, siding off a running line,[1] which may be used to temporarily accommodate a train so that another one can pass it.On the Japanese railway network, 8 refuge sidings (known locally as a form of switchback) remain in day-to-day use – Obasute Station, Hatsukari Station, Nihongi Station, Tsubojiri Station, Shingai Station, Kuwanaohara Signal Box [ja], Takiyama Signal Box [ja] and Nakazaike Signal Box [ja] – while 48 former refuge sidings, now converted into conventional passing loops or abandoned, are attested.Sometimes refuge sidings were needed where there were steep ramps on the line.For example, at Gresford railway station in New South Wales, the gradient was so steep that a refuge siding was required at the station in case some of the wagons or coaches of a train had to be left behind so that it could climb the hill.This rail-transport related article is a stub.
sidinggoods trainpassenger trainpassing loopmain lineswitchbackObasute StationHatsukari StationNihongi StationTsubojiri StationShingai StationGresfordNew South WalesSettle–Carlisle lineRailwayRailway trackSingle trackDouble trackQuadruple trackRail sidingsBalloon loopHeadshuntPocket trackRail yardClassification yardJunctionsFlying junctionLevel junctionDouble junctionFacing and trailingGrand unionGrand circle / roundaboutSwitch / turnout / pointsSwingnose crossingLevel crossingStationsRailway platformIslandTerminal stationSpanish solutionCross-platform interchangeInterchange stationInfill stationHillclimbingHorseshoe curveZig Zag / SwitchbackSpiralTrack geometryTrack gaugeRuling gradientMinimum curve radiusCant deficiencyTracks(history)Axe tiesBallastBaulk roadBreather switchClip and scotchDate nailFastening systemFishplateLadder trackMinimum radiusProfileTie/SleeperTransition curveJunctionGauntlet trackGuide bardual gaugeRail tracktramway trackRailway electrificationoverhead linesthird railground-level power supplyRailway turntableTransfer table (traverser)Roll waySwitchWater craneWater troughSignallingAnti-trespass panelsBlock postBuffer stopCatch pointsDefect detectorDerailerGuard railInterlockingLoading gaugePlatform screen doorsRailway signalSignalling controlStructure gaugeSignal bridgeTell-taleTrain stopWayside hornCoaling towerMotive power depotRailway workshopPlatformRoundhousefor trainsfor goodsStationbuildingWater stopIndustrialMilitaryPrivate