Psi5 Aurigae

[2] Based upon parallax measurements made during the Hipparcos mission, this star is approximately 53.9 light-years (16.5 parsecs) distant from Earth.It used to be known to be part of a much bigger constellation named Telescopium Herschelii before it was unrecognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).The spectrum of this star shows it to be a G-type main sequence star with a stellar classification of G0 V.[3] Thought to be around 4 billion years old, it is similar in size, mass,[6] and composition to the Sun,[3] making this a solar analog.It is radiating energy into space at an effective temperature of 5,989 K,[3] giving it the golden-hued glow of a G-type star.This material has a mean temperature of 60 K, indicating that it is orbiting at a distance of about 29 astronomical units from the host star.
ψ 5 Aurigae in optical light
Bayer designationψ AurigaeEquinoxConstellationAurigaRight ascensionDeclinationApparent magnitudeSpectral typecolor indexAstrometryRadial velocityProper motionParallaxDistanceAbsolute magnitudeRadiusSurface gravityTemperatureMetallicityRotational velocityOther designationsSIMBADapparent visual magnitudeHipparcoslight-yearsparsecsoptical companionarcsecondsTelescopium HerscheliiInternational Astronomical UnionspectrumG-type main sequence starstellar classificationsolar analogeffective temperatureG-type stardebris diskastronomical unitsextrasolar planetsPsi AurigaeBibcodeMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyCentre de données astronomiques de StrasbourgConstellation of AurigaAuriga in Chinese astronomyList of stars in Aurigaα (Capella)β (Menkalinan)γ (Elnath)ε (Almaaz)ζ (Saclateni)η (Haedus)θ (Mahasim)ι (Hassaleh)λ (Alhurr)Flamsteed35 CamVariableRT (48)AR (17)45350 (Lucilinburhuc)49674 (Nervia)Gliese 268HAT-P-9 (Tevel)KELT-2MWC 480SGR 0501+4516UGPS J0521+3640WASP-12ExoplanetsHAT-P-9b (Alef)HD 40979 bHD 43691 bHD 45350 bHD 49674 bKELT-2AbWASP-12bStarclustersMessier 36Messier 37Messier 38Palomar 2NebulaeIC 405IC 2149Westbrook NebulaGalaxies3C 1474C +41.17DA 193MCG +08-11-011Galaxy clustersMACS J0717.5+3745