Psalm 45

[12] Charles Spurgeon, however, rejects purely historical interpretations, stating: "Maschil, an instructive ode, not an idle lay, or a romancing ballad, but a Psalm of holy teaching, didactic and doctrinal.[7] The Midrash Tanhuma teaches on this verse, "If a woman remains modestly at home, she is worthy that both her husband and children are Kohanim Gedolim [who wear golden clothes]."[14] Although this is the only Psalm in which women are given a sustained presence, it has received criticism for its fairy-tale depiction of the bride's expected subservience to a handsome and powerful king.The portion of the Psalm which refers to the 'Queen, in gold of Ophir' is also one of the set readings for mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.[27] Heinrich Schütz wrote a setting of a paraphrase of Psalm 45 in German, "Mein Herz dichtet ein Lied mit Fleiß", SWV 142, for the Becker Psalter, published first in 1628.
The Russian icon " The Queen stands at your right hand ", Dormition Cathedral, Moscow , illustrating the Christian interpretation of Psalm 45, making Jesus a king and his mother Mary a queen
Psalm 46Book of PsalmsKing James VersionSeptuagintVulgatesons of Korachepithalamiumroyal psalmsJewishCatholicLutheranAnglicanJewish MessiahMetzudotMessianicHebrews 1:8–9Torah studyMitchell DahoodFranz DelitzschJehoram of JudahAthaliahJohn CalvinAlexander KirkpatrickSolomonEgyptianNear EasternJezebelCharles SpurgeontzniutMidrash TanhumaKohanim GedolimJPS 1917public domainverse markingRevised Standard VersionSong of the DayShabbatChayei SarahPekudeiMashiachEpistle to the HebrewsMiddle AgesmatinsRule ofSt. BenedictVespersQueen, in gold of OphirAssumptionBlessed Virgin MaryChurch of EnglandBook of Common PrayerChristmas DayHeinrich SchützBecker PsalterThe Queen stands at your right handDormition Cathedral, MoscowHispaniolaChristopher ColumbusVirgin MaryChabad.orgHenry, MatthewOrthodox UnionSpurgeon, CharlesSefaria.orgJohn BaskervilleLife of the VirginMaximus the ConfessorDahood, MitchellAnchor Bible SeriesKirkpatrick, A.F.WikisourceInternational Music Score Library ProjectChoral Public Domain LibraryWayback MachinepsalmsPsalm 6Straf mich nicht in deinem ZornPsalm 12 (11)Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh dareinPsalm 14 (13)Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohlPsalm 19 (18)Dein Lob, Herr, ruft der Himmel ausPsalm 23 (22)The King of Love My Shepherd IsThe Lord's my ShepherdDer Herr ist mein getreuer HirtPsalm 31 (30)In dich hab ich gehoffet, HerrPsalm 36 (35)Herr, deine Güt ist unbegrenztPsalm 39 (38)Lord, let me know mine endWie schön leuchtet der MorgensternPsalm 46 (45)A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodPsalm 67 (66)Es woll uns Gott genädig seinPsalm 90 (89)Our God, Our Help in Ages PastPsalm 98 (97)Nun singt ein neues Lied dem HerrenPsalm 100 (99)All People that on Earth do DwellNun jauchzt dem Herren, alle WeltPsalm 103 (102)Praise, my soul, the King of heavenPsalm 124 (123)Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese ZeitWo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hältPsalm 130 (129)Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dirPsalm 133 (132)Hine Ma TovPsalm 136 (135)Let us with a gladsome mindPsalm 137 (136)An Wasserflüssen BabylonPsalm 138 (137)Mein ganzes Herz erhebet dichPsalm 139 (138)Herr, dir ist nichts verborgenPsalm 146 (145)Du meine Seele singePsalm 149Singt dem Herrn ein neues LiedBiblical SongsBlazhen MuzhExclusive psalmodyGenevan PsalterRivers of Babylon9 (9a)10 (9b)11 (10)12 (11)13 (12)14 (13)15 (14)16 (15)17 (16)18 (17)19 (18)20 (19)21 (20)22 (21)23 (22)24 (23)25 (24)26 (25)27 (26)28 (27)29 (28)30 (29)31 (30)32 (31)33 (32)34 (33)35 (34)36 (35)37 (36)38 (37)39 (38)40 (39)41 (40)42 (41)43 (42)44 (43)46 (45)47 (46)48 (47)49 (48)50 (49)51 (50)52 (51)53 (52)54 (53)55 (54)56 (55)57 (56)58 (57)59 (58)60 (59)61 (60)62 (61)63 (62)64 (63)65 (64)66 (65)67 (66)68 (67)69 (68)70 (69)71 (70)72 (71)73 (72)74 (73)75 (74)76 (75)77 (76)78 (77)79 (78)80 (79)81 (80)82 (81)83 (82)84 (83)85 (84)86 (85)87 (86)88 (87)89 (88)90 (89)91 (90)92 (91)93 (92)94 (93)95 (94)96 (95)97 (96)98 (97)99 (98)100 (99)101 (100)102 (101)103 (102)104 (103)105 (104)106 (105)107 (106)108 (107)109 (108)110 (109)111 (110)112 (111)113 (112)114 (113a)115 (113b)116 (114–115)117 (116)118 (117)119 (118)120 (119)121 (120)122 (121)123 (122)124 (123)125 (124)126 (125)127 (126)128 (127)129 (128)130 (129)131 (130)132 (131)133 (132)134 (133)135 (134)136 (135)137 (136)138 (137)139 (138)140 (139)141 (140)142 (141)143 (142)144 (143)145 (144)146 (145)147 (146–147)ApocryphaDeuterocanonicalEastern Orthodox152–155Syriac OrthodoxPsalms of SolomonHeman the EzrahiteAchishPsalms of AsaphCommunal lamentImprecatoryInvitatoryLaudatePenitentialSong of AscentsPsalterHallelHallelujahLeviathanMiktamShoshannimQueen of Psalm 45Beatus virIt is time to work for the LordMy cup runneth overThey have pierced my hands and my feetGaelicGelineauResponsorialKathismaPerek ShirahPater Noster cordTikkun HaKlaliMidrash TehillimGreat Psalms ScrollPapyrus Oxyrhynchus 5101Vindobonensis Greek 39777P. Lond.Lit.207Taylor-Schechter 16.320Ambrosiano O 39 sup.