Power electronics (music genre)

Power electronics is a style of noise music that typically consists of static, screeching waves of feedback, analogue synthesizers making sub-bass pulses or high frequency squealing sounds, with sometimes screamed and distorted vocals.Power electronics is generally atonal, like most noise music; it also features a lack of conventional melodies or rhythms.To match its sonic excess, power electronics relies heavily upon extreme thematic and visual content: whether in lyrics, album art, or live performance actions.[1] Power electronics is related to the early Industrial Records scene but later became more aligned with noise music.[2] The name of the genre was coined by William Bennett of Whitehouse as part of the sleeve notes to their 1982 album Psychopathia Sexualis.
IndustrialUnited KingdomSynthesizeraudio feedbacknoise musicatonallyricsIndustrial RecordsWhitehousePsychopathia SexualisTellus Audio Cassette Magazinecompact cassetteJoseph Nechvataldark ambientBrighter Death NowAtrax MorgueGenocide OrganElectroacoustic improvisationExperimental musicSonologyIndustrial musicThrobbing Gristle Cabaret VoltairePsychick TVThee Temple ov Psychick YouthElectro-industrialElectronic body musicFuturepopJapanoiseMartial industrialNeofolkNew beatNo waveWitch houseHarsh noiseHarsh noise wallPower noisePower electronicsDeath industrialIndustrial hip hopIndustrial rockIndustrial metalNu metalIndustrial technoIndustrial folk musicRivetheadList of industrial music bandsList of industrial music labelsList of industrial music festivalsList of industrial music genresmusic genre