Petroleum geology

These wells present only a one-dimensional segment through the Earth, and the skill of inferring three-dimensional characteristics from them is one of the most fundamental in petroleum geology.Analysis of maturation involves assessing the thermal history of the source rock in order to make predictions of the amount and timing of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion.Delineation and identification of potential source rocks depends on studies of the local stratigraphy, palaeogeography and sedimentology to determine the likelihood of organic-rich sediments having been deposited in the past.Maturation of source rocks (see diagenesis and fossil fuels) depends strongly on temperature, such that the majority of oil generation occurs in the 60 to 120 °C (140 to 248 °F) range.Once oil to source rock correlation is found, petroleum geologists will use this information to render a 3D model of the basin.A full scale basin analysis is usually carried out prior to defining leads and prospects for future drilling.Sometimes gravity and magnetic studies are conducted, and oil seeps and spills are mapped to find potential areas for hydrocarbon occurrences.Geochemical and petrophysical analysis gives information on the type (viscosity, chemistry, API, carbon content, etc.)The existence of a reservoir rock (typically, sandstones and fractured limestones) is determined through a combination of regional studies (i.e. analysis of other wells in the area), stratigraphy and sedimentology (to quantify the pattern and extent of sedimentation) and seismic interpretation.The net-to-gross ratio, typically estimated from analogues and wireline logs, is used to calculate the proportion of the sedimentary packages that contains reservoir rocks.Traditionally, porosity and permeability were determined through the study of drilling samples, analysis of cores obtained from the wellbore, examination of contiguous parts of the reservoir that outcrop at the surface (see e.g. Guerriero et al., 2009, 2011, in references below) and by the technique of formation evaluation using wireline tools passed down the well itself.
A structural trap , where a fault has juxtaposed a porous and permeable reservoir against an impermeable seal. Oil (shown in red) accumulates against the seal, to the depth of the base of the seal. Any further oil migrating in from the source will escape to the surface and seep.
Mud log in process, a common way to study the lithology when drilling oil wells .
hydrocarbon fuelshydrocarbonsoil explorationsedimentary basinsstructural trapSourceReservoirMaturationMigrationreflection seismologymagnetotelluricsgeochemistrylithologicalporosityin situpermeabilitystratigraphysedimentologyreservoir engineeringreservoir rockevaporiteschalksshalesgeological trapstratigraphicbuoyancysource rockMud loglithologyoil wellspalaeogeographythermal maturitydiagenesisfossil fuelsgeochemicalkerogensbasin modellingback-strippingthermal gradientexplorationwildcat-wellpetrophysicalviscositysteam injectionsandstoneslimestoneshydrocarbon explorationistSTOIIPwellboreformation evaluationwirelineseismicdata acquisitionseismic attributesBituminous rocksControlled source electro-magneticTectonophysicsElsevierBibcodeJournal of Structural GeologyAAPG BulletinOrganic GeochemistryPergamon PressUniversity of Nebraska PressPetroleum industryPetroleumPrimary energyBenchmarksArgus SourBonny LightIndian BasketIndonesianIsthmus-34 LightJapan CocktailOPEC Reference BasketWest Texas IntermediateWestern Canadian SelectConsumptionProductionReservesImportsExportsPosted oil priceof gasoline and dieselCore samplingGeophysicsIntegrated asset modellingPetroleum engineeringReservoir simulationReservoir modelingPetrophysicsSeismic inversionSeismic sourceDrillingBlowoutCompletionSqueeze jobDifferential stickingDirectional drillingGeosteeringDrill stem testDrilling engineeringDrilling fluidinvasionLost circulationMeasurementShale oil extractionTracersUnderbalanced drillingWell loggingPetroleum fiscal regimeConcessionsProduction sharing agreementsArtificial liftGas liftPumpjackSubmersible pump (ESP)DownstreamEnhanced oil recovery (EOR)Gas reinjectionMidstreamPetroleum productPipelineRefiningUpstreamWater injectionWell interventionHistory1967 Oil Embargo1973 oil crisis1979 oil crisis1980s oil glut1990 oil price shock2000s energy crisis2010s oil glut2020 Russia–Saudi Arabia oil price warNationalizationSeven SistersStandard OilCanadaFranceNorwaySaudi ArabiaUnited StatesVenezuelaList of natural gas fieldsList of oil fieldsCaspian SeaEast Midlands Oil ProvinceEast TexasGulf of MexicoNorth SeaPermian BasinPersian GulfPrudhoe BayRussiaWestern Canadian Sedimentary BasinAbbreviationssweet oilsour oilOil shale gasOrphan wellsPeak oilfossil fuel phase-outtimingPetrocurrencyPetrodollar recyclingPetrofictionShale bandShale gasSwing producerUnconventional (oil and gas) reservoirheavy crudeoil sandsoil shaletight oilpetroleumcompaniesSupermajorsChevronExxonMobilTotalEnergiesNational oilcompaniesAbu Dhabi National Oil CompanyBharat PetroleumChina National Offshore Oil CorporationChina National Petroleum CorporationEcopetrolEquinorGazpromHindustan PetroleumIndian Oil CorporationIraq National Oil CompanyKazMunayGasKuwait Petroleum CorporationNaftogazNational Iranian Oil CompanyNational Iranian South Oil CompanyNNPC LimitedOil & Gas Development CompanyOil and Natural Gas CorporationPertaminaPetrobanglaPetrobrasPetroChinaPetronasPetrovietnamPTT Public Company LimitedQatarEnergyRosneftSaudi AramcoSinopecSonangolSonatrachEnergy tradingGlencoreGunvorMercuriaNaftiran IntertradeTrafiguraAPA CorporationCenovus EnergyConocoPhillipsDevon EnergyEneos HoldingsGalp EnergiaHess CorporationHusky EnergyImperial OilLukoilMarathon OilMarathon PetroleumOccidental PetroleumPhillips 66Port Harcourt Refining CompanyReliance IndustriesRepsolSuncor EnergySunocoSurgutneftegasTechnipFMCTNK-BPTullow OilTüpraşValero EnergyservicescompaniesAmec Foster WheelerBaker HughesCameron InternationalChicago Bridge & Iron CompanyChina Oilfield ServicesEnbridgeGE PowerHalliburtonNabors IndustriesNOV Inc.PetrofacSaipemSchlumbergerSubsea 7TC EnergyTransoceanValaris LimitedWeatherford InternationalJohn Wood GroupAmerican Petroleum InstituteCanadian petroleum companiesIntercontinental Exchange FuturesInternational Association of Oil & Gas ProducersInternational Energy AgencySociety of Petroleum EngineersWorld Petroleum CouncilScience Direct