People pardoned by Carlos Menem

The Argentine president Carlos Menem made a series of presidential pardons to people involved in the 1970s Dirty war.The first decrees were signed in 1989, and further ones were signed in 1990.The pardons were eventually revoked in 2003.Decrees signed on October 7, 1989.Decrees signed on December 29, 1990.
Carlos MenempardonsDirty warGuillermo Suárez MasonCarapintadaLeopoldo GaltieriJorge Isaac AnayaBasilio Lami DozoFalklands WarJorge Rafael VidelaEmilio MasseraOrlando Ramón AgostiRoberto ViolaArmando LambruschiniTrial of the JuntasRamón CampsMario Eduardo FirmenichMontonerosDuilio BrunelloJosé Alfredo Martínez de HozPresidencyPlaza del síBONEX planConvertibility plan1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombingAMIA bombingPact of Olivos1994 amendment of the Constitution of Argentina1989 general elections1991 legislative elections1993 legislative elections1995 general elections1997 legislative elections2003 general electionsArgentine quota lawState reform lawArgentine arms trafficking scandalIvo RojnicaSwiftgateYomagateCecilia BoloccoEduardo MenemZulema María Eva MenemZulema Yoma