Pectineus muscle

The pectineus muscle (/pɛkˈtɪniəs/, from the Latin word pecten, meaning comb)[1] is a flat, quadrangular muscle, situated at the anterior (front) part of the upper and medial (inner) aspect of the thigh.[3] The pectineus muscle arises from the pectineal line of the pubis and to a slight extent from the surface of bone in front of it, between the iliopectineal eminence and pubic tubercle, and from the fascia covering the anterior surface of the muscle; the fibers pass downward, backward, and lateral, to be inserted into the pectineal line of the femur which leads from the lesser trochanter to the linea aspera.The pectineus is in relation by its anterior surface with the pubic portion of the fascia lata, which separates it from the femoral artery and vein and internal saphenous vein, and lower down with the profunda femoris artery.By its external border with the psoas major, the femoral artery resting upon the line of interval.[6] This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 472 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
inguinal ligamentPectineal linepubic boneArteryObturator arteryFemoral nerveobturator nerveActionsflexionadductionexternal rotationAnatomical terms of musclemuscleanteriormedialadductor of the hiphip flexionmedial compartment of thighanterior compartment of thighiliopectineal eminencepubic tuberclepectineal line of the femurlesser trochanterlinea asperafascia latafemoral arterysaphenous veinprofunda femoris arterycapsule of the hip jointobturator externusadductor brevispsoas majoradductor longusObturator foramenfemoral trianglecomposite muscleaccessory obturator nerveinternally rotatesanatomical terminologypublic domainGray's AnatomyMosby's Medical, Nursing & Allied Health DictionaryMuscles of the hiphuman legIliac regionIliopsoasPsoas minorIliacusButtocksGluteal musclesMaximusMediusMinimusTensor fasciae lataeLateral rotator groupQuadratus femorisInferior gemellusSuperior gemellusInternal obturatorExternal obturatorPiriformiscompartmentsSartoriusQuadricepsRectus femorisVastus lateralisVastus intermediusVastus medialisArticularis genusPosteriorHamstringBiceps femorisSemitendinosusSemimembranosusGracilisAdductorLongusBrevisMagnusFasciaFemoral sheathFemoral canalFemoral ringAdductor canalAdductor hiatusMuscular lacunaIliotibial tractLateral intermuscular septum of thighMedial intermuscular septum of thighCribriform fasciaTibialis anteriorExtensor hallucis longusExtensor digitorum longusFibularis (peroneus) tertiusTriceps suraeGastrocnemiusSoleusAccessory soleusAchilles tendonPlantaristarsal tunnelFlexor hallucis longusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorPopliteusLateralFibularis (peroneus) musclesPes anserinusIntermuscular septaTransverseExtensor hallucis brevisExtensor digitorum brevisAbductor hallucisFlexor digitorum brevisAbductor digiti minimiQuadratus plantaeLumbrical muscleFlexor hallucis brevisAdductor hallucisFlexor digiti minimi brevisDorsal interosseiPlantar interosseiPlantar fasciaPeronealInferior extensorSuperior extensorFlexor