Panzerwurfkörper 42

The Panzerwurfkörper 42 was a HEAT grenade that was developed by Germany and used by the Wehrmacht during World War II.The Panzerwurfkörper 42 was an anti-tank grenade that could be fired from the Leuchtpistole 34, Leuchtpistole 42, or Sturmpistole giving German troops a small and lightweight anti-tank weapon for engaging enemy armor from close range which could not be engaged satisfactorily by infantry weapons or artillery without endangering friendly troops.Next, the grenade and the stem was inserted into the muzzle of the gun and the driving band screwed into the rifling of the shell casing.Upon hitting the target the graze fuze in the base of the grenade ignited the explosive filling which collapsed the internal steel cone to create a superplastic high-velocity jet to punch through enemy armor.A downside of the Panzerwurfkörper 42 was its short range of 69 m (75 yd) and could only penetrate 80 mm (3.1 in) of RHA.
Anti-tank grenadeNazi GermanyWehrmachtWorld War IIGermanyflare gunLeuchtpistole 34Leuchtpistole 42SturmpistoleWurfkorper 361break actionrifledshell casingsuperplasticweaponsSidearmsMauser C96Walther P38Walther PP and PPKSauer 38HMauser HScDreyse M1907 PistolVolkspistoleRiflescarbinesGewehr 41Gewehr 43/Karabiner 43Grossfuss SturmgewehrKarabinek wz. 1929Karabiner 98kM30 Luftwaffe drillingMKb 42(W)MKb 42(H)MP 43/MP 44/StG 44StG 45(M)VG 1-5Submachine gunsMP 18/MP 28MP 38/MP 40MP 3008Erma EMPEMP 44Machine gunsSchwarzlose MG M.07/12MG 39 RhMG 131IMG 28MG 35/36AFaustpatroneRaketen-Panzerbüchse 43PanzerfaustPanzerschreckFliegerfaust/LuftfaustFlammenwerfer 35Flammenwerfer 41Einstossflammenwerfer 46Panzerbüchse 39Solothurn S-18/1000VMG 1927Zf.Ger.38mortars5 cm leGrW 368 cm GrW 34kz 8 cm GrW 4212 cm GrW 42Grenade launchersKampfpistoleSchiessbecherGrenadesBlendkörper 1HBlendkörper 2HFallschirm LeuchtpatroneGewehr-PanzergranateGross Gewehr-PanzergranateGewehr-Granatpatrone 40Gross Panzergranate 46 & 61Gewehr-SprenggranateHafthohlladungModel 1939 EihandgranateModel 1943 StielhandgranateMulti-Star Signal CartridgeNebelpatronePanzerwurfminePropaganda-GewehrgranateShaving Stick GrenadeSplitterringSprengpatroneWurfgranate Patrone 326Wurfkörper 361Notable foreign-made weaponsModele 1935AKongsberg ColtBrowning Hi-PowerPPSh-41Radom wz. 35 VisPuška vz. 24Puška vz. 33Lewis gunBren light machine gunKulomet vz. 37Browning wz. 1928Beretta Model 38/42ZB vz. 26PPS-43 submachine gunSVT-40M1 GarandKb ppanc wz. 35BazookaM1917 EnfieldM1903 EnfieldM1 carbineThompson Model 19287.63×25mm Mauser7.65×17mmSR Browning7.65×21mm Parabellum7.92×33mm Kurz7.92×57mm Mauser7.92×94mm Patronen9×19mm Parabellum13.2×92mmSR20×138mmB