Oncorhynchus rastrosus

[4] They first appeared in the late Miocene in California, then died out some time during the Early Pliocene.[6][1][5] Members of this species had a pair of small "fangs" protruding from the tip of the snout, thus explaining the common name and synonym.[5] The salmon's spike teeth grew in size as it transitioned from life in the ocean to fresh water.Tooth wear patterns suggest the salmon used its teeth to defend territory and mark nests during the breeding phase.[1] The species was first described in 1972 from remains found in the Madras Formation near Gateway in Jefferson County, Central Oregon.
ClarendonianHemphillianPreꞒRay TrollScientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiSalmoniformesSalmonidaeOncorhynchusBinomial nameSynonymssalmonPacificNorth AmericaMioceneCaliforniaPlioceneHucho taimengill rakersplanktonanadromoussaber-toothed catdo todayGatewayJefferson CountyAtlantic salmonBlack Sea salmonPacific salmonChum salmonChinook salmonCoho salmonMasu salmonPink salmonSteelheadSockeye salmonTaiwanese salmonDanube salmonGenetically modified salmonFisheriesmanagementAlaska salmon fisheryAquaculture of salmonOld McKenzie Fish HatcheryPacific Salmon WarPre-spawn mortality in coho salmonPutcherPutcher fishingSalmon runJune hogsAs foodCured salmonGravlaxLohikeittoLomi salmonRui-beSalmon burgerSalmon tartareSmoked salmonDiseases andparasitesDiseases and parasites in salmonAmoebic gill diseaseCeratomyxa shastaGyrodactylus salarisHenneguya zschokkeiInfectious salmon anemia virusM74 syndromeMyxobolus cerebralisNanophyetus salmincolaSalmon louseSea louseSalmon tapewormSphaerothecum destruensTetracapsuloides bryosalmonaeConservationPuget Sound salmon recoveryEnvironmental issues with salmon2002 Klamath River fish killSteelhead and salmon distinct population segmentsAtlantic Salmon FederationCook Inlet Aquaculture AssociationNorth Atlantic Salmon Conservation OrganizationPacific Salmon CommissionWelsh Salmon and Trout Angling AssociationWild Salmon CenterYakima Klickitat Fisheries ProjectSalmon cannerySalmon (book)Salmon (color)Salmon of KnowledgeSalmon Fishing in the YemenThe Salmon FlyThe Big FishWikidataWikispeciesPaleobiology Database