Black Sea salmon

The Black Sea salmon (Salmo labrax) is a fairly small species of salmon, at about 20 inches (510 mm) long on average and rarely reaching over 30 in (760 mm).It inhabits the northern Black Sea coasts and inflowing rivers.While it is the only native species of Salmo present in the northern Black Sea basin, it may hybridize with (introduced) brown trout in the major rivers.[1] Sea-run populations are currently at low numbers, but the resident river stocks are doing well.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.This Black Sea-related article is a stub.
Gulf of OdesaUkraineConservation statusLeast ConcernIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiSalmoniformesSalmonidaeBinomial namePallassalmonBlack Seaanadromouslacustrinebrown troutIUCN Red ListFishBaseAtlantic salmonPacific salmonChum salmonChinook salmonCoho salmonMasu salmonPink salmonSteelheadSockeye salmonTaiwanese salmonDanube salmonSpike-toothed salmonGenetically modified salmonFisheriesmanagementAlaska salmon fisheryAquaculture of salmonOld McKenzie Fish HatcheryPacific Salmon WarPre-spawn mortality in coho salmonPutcherPutcher fishingSalmon runJune hogsAs foodCured salmonGravlaxLohikeittoLomi salmonRui-beSalmon burgerSalmon tartareSmoked salmonDiseases andparasitesDiseases and parasites in salmonAmoebic gill diseaseCeratomyxa shastaGyrodactylus salarisHenneguya zschokkeiInfectious salmon anemia virusM74 syndromeMyxobolus cerebralisNanophyetus salmincolaSalmon louseSea louseSalmon tapewormSphaerothecum destruensTetracapsuloides bryosalmonaeConservationPuget Sound salmon recoveryEnvironmental issues with salmon2002 Klamath River fish killSteelhead and salmon distinct population segmentsAtlantic Salmon FederationCook Inlet Aquaculture AssociationNorth Atlantic Salmon Conservation OrganizationPacific Salmon CommissionWelsh Salmon and Trout Angling AssociationWild Salmon CenterYakima Klickitat Fisheries ProjectSalmon cannerySalmon (book)Salmon (color)Salmon of KnowledgeSalmon Fishing in the YemenThe Salmon FlyThe Big FishWikidataFauna EuropaeaFauna Europaea (new)iNaturalistOpen Tree of Life