Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

The Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property is a law review published by an independent student organization at Northwestern University School of Law.It publishes articles on a variety of topics including: copyright, trademark, patents, the Internet, media, telecommunications, health care, antitrust, e‑discovery, and trial and litigation technology.The Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property publishes three full issues each year.Every Spring, the journal hosts a symposium on emerging areas of technology and intellectual property law.Symposia have included: "New Rules for a New Day: Examining Recent Trends in IP Law" (2010) and "Riding the Wave: Understanding Recent Developments in IP Law" (2009).
DisciplineIntellectual propertytechnology lawEditedPublisherNorthwestern University School of LawBluebooklaw reviewcopyrighttrademarkpatentsKappos, David J.John R. ThomasNorthwestern UniversityEvanston ILvarious other locationsManagementEngineeringJournalismMedicineTheologicalGalter PavilionSegal Design InstituteMcGaw Medical CenterInternational Institute for NanotechnologyNorthwestern MedicineNorthwestern University Institute for Policy ResearchArgonne–Northwestern Solar Energy Research CenterInfrastructure Technology InstituteBuildingsResidencesBlock MuseumDearborn ObservatoryDeering LibraryThe LakefillLindheimer Astrophysical Research CenterNorris CenterTechnological InstituteOld CollegeFormer Roycemore School buildingPick-Staiger Concert HallShakespeare GardenWirtz Center for the Performing ArtsThe RockUniversity HallUniversity LibraryLurie Children's HospitalNorthwestern Memorial HospitalPrentice Women's HospitalRehabilitation Institute of ChicagoNorthwestern QatarAthleticsBaseballMen's BasketballWomen's BasketballField HockeyFootballWomen's LacrosseMen's soccerSoftballPatten GymnasiumRocky Miller ParkRyan FieldWelsh–Ryan ArenaMarching bandIllinois football rivalryWillie the WildcatThe Daily NorthwesternNorth by NorthwesternNorthwestern University Law ReviewNorthwestern University PressTriQuarterlyJournal of Criminal Law & CriminologyDance MarathonDillo DayDolphin ShowGo U NorthwesternHistoryStudent activismSchwarts LecturesWaa-Mu ShowAlumniFacultyPresidentsJohn Evans