Deering Library

The library is named for Charles Deering, a Northwestern benefactor and chairman of International Harvester, who provided the initial financing for the building.[3] The site chosen for Deering Library had previously been occupied by Heck Hall, a dormitory which burned down in 1914.[4][5] The structure is composed of Lannon stone and was modeled after King's College Chapel at Cambridge University.[6] The Bulletin of the American Library Association said of the wood carvings: "Captivating pelicans, pompous owls, and mischievous monkeys peer at one from decorous perches, refreshingly reminding one that the environment of scholarship need not necessarily be solemn.[7] In 2013, the library underwent a $2.5 million renovation that began with restoring the West Entry where the main doors were located, the lobby, and the outside place, as well as adding accessible-entry routes.
King's College Chapel at Cambridge University , the model for Deering Library.
Northwestern UniversityEvanstonArchitect(s)James Gamble Rogersacademic libraryresearch universityEvanston, IllinoisEvanston campusNorthwestern University Main LibraryNorthwestern University ArchivesCharles DeeringInternational HarvesterKing's College ChapelCambridge UniversityTheodore Wesley KochLibrarianUniversity LibraryCollegiate GothicG. Owen BonawitRene Paul Chambellanendowed a professorshipbotanylibraryChicagoAmerican Institute of ArchitectsPalladio AwardNewspapers.comEvanston ILvarious other locationsManagementEngineeringJournalismMedicineTheologicalGalter PavilionSegal Design InstituteMcGaw Medical CenterInternational Institute for NanotechnologyNorthwestern MedicineNorthwestern University Institute for Policy ResearchArgonne–Northwestern Solar Energy Research CenterInfrastructure Technology InstituteBuildingsResidencesBlock MuseumDearborn ObservatoryThe LakefillLindheimer Astrophysical Research CenterNorris CenterTechnological InstituteOld CollegeFormer Roycemore School buildingPick-Staiger Concert HallShakespeare GardenWirtz Center for the Performing ArtsThe RockUniversity HallLurie Children's HospitalNorthwestern Memorial HospitalPrentice Women's HospitalRehabilitation Institute of ChicagoNorthwestern QatarAthleticsBaseballMen's BasketballWomen's BasketballField HockeyFootballWomen's LacrosseMen's soccerSoftballPatten GymnasiumRocky Miller ParkRyan FieldWelsh–Ryan ArenaMarching bandIllinois football rivalryWillie the WildcatThe Daily NorthwesternNorth by NorthwesternNorthwestern University Law ReviewNorthwestern University PressTriQuarterlyNorthwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual PropertyJournal of Criminal Law & CriminologyDance MarathonDillo DayDolphin ShowGo U NorthwesternHistoryStudent activismSchwarts LecturesWaa-Mu ShowAlumniFacultyPresidentsJohn Evans