Northern pygmy mouse
A. Allen, 1903Peromyscus allex Osgood, 1904 The northern pygmy mouse (Baiomys taylori)[3] is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.Unlike many other rodents, father pygmy mice will care for offspring, and groom and huddle over young.[4] A 1976 study showed that Baiomys taylori ater raised by the house mouse Mus musculus had a greater tendency to have positive interactions with their "foster" species, and reacted more negatively to open spaces.The Mus musculus raised by Baiomys taylor "foster parents" were not significantly impacted behaviorally.[4] In dry habitats, the primary source of food and water is Opuntia cacti fruit and stems.In captivity they have been observed feeding on insects, the terrestrial snail Helicina orbiculata, and the snake species Rena dulcis and Tropidoclonion lineatum, even when offered vegetative matter.