Newcastle Ravens
The Ravens sent players to the 2007 Union Cup tournament in Copenhagen and played as part of the Cardiff Lions team.The combined squad recorded victories over NOP Amsterdam Rugby Club (35-5), Malmö Devilants (30-5 and 35-0) and the Caledonian Thebans RFC (5-25), drawing with the Emerald Warriors 10-10 on the way.The Ravens had Falcons and England rugby team player Mathew Tait in their squad for the event, during which they achieved a draw and two losses.The tournament was changed to a 10's format in 2017 and the competition which was held in February 2018 was won for the second year running by the Emerald Warriors from 2018 / 19 the number of teams increased to 7 and the Ravens were successful in retaining the league championship for a second year winning 12 out of 12 of their games.The Ravens entered the Enfys 7s competition in Cardiff in August 2018 and were winners in the 2nd tier bringing home the Plate Trophy.