Mishik Kazaryan

In 1970 Mishik Kazaryan graduated from the faculty of general and applied physics of Moscow Phycotechnical Institute in specialty "Optics and Spectroscopy."The main research fields of Prof. Kazaryan were related to the creation of powerful tunable lasers, the study of the basic physical mechanisms responsible for the implementation of the Kazaryan plasma 3D-effect, the construction of acousto-optical color television systems and devices, laser medicine, the study of the mechanisms of laser acceleration of microparticles, studies of light-induced phenomena at multiple dynamic light scattering, and electrically induced drift aquacomplexes in aqueous solutions, the development of new approaches to the problem of laser isotope separation, the development of new solutions to the problem of alternative and hydrogen energy, the development of new composite materials with a long luminescence, the synthesis of new nanomaterials.Prof. Kazaryan was one of the leading scientists working in the field of physics of gas lasers and active optical systems.For his work on the physics of lasers and optical systems, MA Kazarian together with team members were awarded the State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology for 1980.Misik Kazaryan lectured on physics of lasers and their applications in many research centers and universities in Russia and many other countries.Under the leadership of Prof. Kazaryan a number of specialists, working in Russia and in the CIS countries and abroad, was prepared.Godfather of the First atomic bomb” (2019)], dedicated to life path and scientific heritage of Kirill Shchelkin ( https://vimeo.com/373170058 ).Bokhan PA, Buchanov VV, Fateev NV, Kalugin MM, Kazaryan MA, Prokhorov AM, Zakrevskii DE.Batenin VМ, Buchanov VV, Boichenko AM, Kazaryan MA, Klimovskii II, Molodykh EI.Батенин ВМ , Бучанов ВВ, Казарян МА, Климовский И, Молодых Э. Лазеры на самоограниченных переходах атомов металлов.Бохан ПА, Бучанов ВВ, Закревский ДЭ, Казарян МА, Калугин ММ, Прохоров АМ, Фатеев НВ.Батенин ВМ , Бойченко А, Бучанов ВВ, Казарян МА, Климовский И, Молодых Э. Лазеры на самоограниченных переходах атомов металлов - 2: в 2-х томах, Том I. Москва: Физматлит, 2009: 544 стр.Бохан ПА, Бучанов ВВ., Закревский ДЭ, Казарян МА, Прохоров АМ, Фатеев НВ.Батенин ВМ, Бохан ПА, Бучанов ВВ, Евтушенко Г, Казарян МА, Карпухин В, Климовский И, Маликов М. Лазеры на самоограниченных переходах атомов металлов - 2: в 2-х томах, Том II.Казарян МА, Коновалов КБ, Косова НИ, Малиновская ТД, Манжай ВН, Нефедов РА, Самбуева ОБ, Сачков ВИ.Техническая оценка зданий и сооружений: в 2-х томах, Том I. Саров: Научно-технический центр "ТАТА", 2014: 253 с.Евтушенко ГС, Казарян МА, Торгаев СН, Тригуб МВ, Шиянов ДВ.Бохан ПА, Бучанов ВВ., Закревский ДЭ, Казарян МА, Прохоров АМ, Фатеев НВ.
Eastern Slavic naming customspatronymicfamily nameArmenian SSRMoscowRussian FederationPhysicsRussianphysicistlaser physicsopticsState Prize of the USSRArmenian National Academy of Sciencespulsed laserthe visible region of the spectrumapplied physicsSpectroscopyP.N.Lebedev Physical InstituteLuminescencelaser medicinenanomaterialsgas lasersmetal vapor lasersAlexander ProkhorovYuri GulyayevYuri TrutnevgynecologistCOVID-19Atomic vapor laser isotope separationYouTube