Ministry of Energy and Mines (Peru)

Supreme Court of the RepublicPresident Javier Arévalo Vela [es] The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Spanish: Ministerio de Energía y Minas, MINEM), is the government ministry responsible for the energetic and mining sectors of Peru.To promote the proportional, efficient, and competitive use and development of energy resources in the context of decentralization and regional development, prioritizing private investment, meeting demand, as well as the employment of alternative energy in the process of rural electrification.To promote the development of the mining sub sector, to impulse private investment and legal stability, to encourage the fair exploitation and implementation of clean energy technologies in small-scale mining and in the context of the process of regional decentralization.To promote the protection of the environment, with respect to energy and mining corporations as well as to encourage friendly relations between private entities, consumers, and civil society.To bring about and develop planning for the sector and its institutions, as well as the efficient and effective administration of resources.
San BorjaPolitics of PeruConstitutionExecutivePresident of PeruDina BoluarteVice Presidents of PeruPrime Minister of PeruGustavo AdrianzénCabinetMinistriesLegislatureCongress of the RepublicPresidentEduardo SalhuanaJudiciarySupreme Court of the RepublicSuperior Courts of JusticeCourts of First InstanceCourts of PeaceNational Board of JusticeConstitutional CourtPublic MinistryOffice of the Public Defender(Ombudsman)Central Reserve BankElectionsElectoral systemElectoral Processes (ONPE)Jury of Elections (JNE)National Registry (RENIEC)Administrative divisions24 departments1 constitutional province1 special regime province25 regional governments1 Metropolitan Municipality196 provinces1874 districtsDistrict municipalitiesPopulated centers of PeruForeign relationsMinistry of Foreign AffairsDiplomatic missions ofin PeruNationality lawPassportVisa requirementsVisa policyCouncil of Ministers of PeruGovernment of Perupolitics