National Jury of Elections

The National Jury of Elections (Spanish: Jurado Nacional de Elecciones, JNE) of is an autonomous constitutional organ, headquartered in Lima, which serves as Peru's electoral court.Thus, it is the entity in charge of proclaiming the official electoral results and awarding recognitions or credentials to the elected authorities.Supreme Court of the RepublicPresident Javier Arévalo Vela [es] At the start of the Republican era there was no proper institution overseeing elections.The 1993 Constitution fragmented the Jury into three autonomous entities, separating the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil, RENIEC) and the National Office of Electoral Processes (Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales, ONPE) from it.RENIEC was made in charge of registering eligible voters, while ONPE was designed to organize the elections, leaving the Jury the duties of making any rulings concerning electoral processes, including the proclamation of official results.
JNE logo with its motto: Garantía de la voluntad popular (Guarantee of the people's will).
Headquarters in downtown Lima .
Spanishelectoral courtSupreme Court of Justicepolitical parties in Perudowntown LimaPolitics of PeruConstitutionExecutivePresident of PeruDina BoluarteVice Presidents of PeruPrime Minister of PeruGustavo AdrianzénCabinetMinistriesLegislatureCongress of the RepublicPresidentEduardo SalhuanaJudiciarySupreme Court of the RepublicSuperior Courts of JusticeCourts of First InstanceCourts of PeaceNational Board of JusticeConstitutional CourtPublic MinistryOffice of the Public Defender(Ombudsman)Central Reserve BankElectionsElectoral systemElectoral Processes (ONPE)National Registry (RENIEC)Administrative divisions24 departments1 constitutional province1 special regime province25 regional governments1 Metropolitan Municipality196 provinces1874 districtsDistrict municipalitiesPopulated centers of PeruForeign relationsMinistry of Foreign AffairsDiplomatic missions ofin PeruNationality lawPassportVisa requirementsVisa policyLuis Miguel Sánchez CerroDavid Samanez OcampoNational Registry of Identification and Civil StatusNational Office of Electoral ProcessesMuseum of Elections and DemocracyElections in Peru