
[5] Meanwhile, despite alleged rumors that abounded that his father had been murdered by the city leaders, Miltiades the Younger rose through the ranks of Athens to become eponymous archon under the rule of the Peisistratid tyrant Hippias in 524/23 BC.Four years later (516 BC), Stesagoras met his death by an axe to the head,[8] so the tyrant Hippias sent Miltiades the Younger to claim his brother's lands.[9] Stesagoras's reign had been tumultuous, full of revolts[1] often led by the native Dolonci, who after the death of Miltiades the Elder were no longer inclined to serve under Greek rule.[11] In around 513 BC, Darius I, the king of Persia, led a large army into the area, forcing the Thracian Chersonese into submission and making Miltiades a vassal of Persian rule.[18] It was by Miltiades's advice that the Persian heralds who came to Athens to demand earth and water as tokens of submission were put to death.[28] Miltiades got his men to quickly march to the western side of Attica overnight and block the two exits from the plain of Marathon, to prevent the Persians moving inland.The theory is that the Persian cavalry left Marathon for an unspecified reason, and that the Greeks moved to take advantage of this by attacking.When Datis surrendered and was ready for retreat, the Ionians climbed the trees and gave the Athenians the signal that the cavalry had left.[29]The following year (489 BC), Miltiades led an Athenian expedition of seventy ships against the Greek-inhabited islands that were deemed to have supported the Persians.[32] Pheidias later erected in Miltiades's honour, in the temple of the goddess at Rhamnus, a statue of Nemesis, the deity whose job it was to bring sudden ill fortune to those who had experienced an excess of good.
Coinage of Miltiades in Thracian Chersonesos: lion, head left, raising left forepaw, tail curled above; head of Athena, wearing crested Attic helmet and earring, within incuse square; c. 495–494 BC
Miltiades, Roman copy of 5th century original.
The Battle of Marathon
Miltiades fighting the Persians at the Battle of Marathon , in the Stoa Poikile (reconstitution)
"Helmet of Miltiades". The helmet was given as an offering to the temple of Zeus at Olympia by Miltiades. Inscription on the helmet: ΜΙΛΤΙΑΔΕΣ ΑΝΕ[Θ]ΕΚΕΝ [Τ]ΟΙ ΔΙ ("Miltiades dedicates this helmet to Zeus"). [ 30 ] Archaeological Museum of Olympia .
Miltiades (disambiguation)Eponymous archonAthensCleisthenesTyrantChersoneseElpinicestrategosScythian campaignIonian RevoltFirst Persian invasion of GreeceBattle of MarathonAncient GreekAthenianstatesmanCimon CoalemosOlympicchariot-racerAeacidaePhilaidtyrannyPeisistratidschariot-racingPlutarchHerodotusMiltiades the ElderPericlesThracian ChersonesusThracian ChersoneseGallipoli PeninsulaHippiasOlorusThraceDarius IvassalPersianDarius's northern expeditionScythiansDanubeScythiaLemnosImbrosdemocracyAlcmaeonidaefreedomsdespotismearth and waterstrategoipolemarchCallimachusMarathonhoplitesphalanxshieldsEpaminondascavalryflanksThemistoclesAristidesStoa PoikileCape SounionAtticatemple of ZeusOlympiaArchaeological Museum of OlympiatreasontalentsgangrenePheidiasRhamnusNemesismemorialAeschinesAjax the LesserMētiokhos kai Parthenopēde factoBattle of LeuctraJ. A. S. EvansCreasy, Edward ShepherdThe Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to WaterlooCrowellHammond, N.G.L.Scullard, H.H.Oxford Classical DictionaryOxford University PressHistoriesOxford World's ClassicsEncyclopædia BritannicaAncient AthenianAgyrrhiusAlcibiadesAndocidesArchinusAristogeitonAristophonAutoclesCallistratusCharmidesChremonides CleophonCritiasDemadesDemetrius of PhalerumDemocharesDemoclesDemosthenesEchedemosEphialtesEratosthenesEubulusHagnonHyperbolusHypereidesLachesLycurgusLysiclesMoeroclesNiciasPhilinusPhocionPisistratusTheramenesThrasybulusThucydidesTimoleonTimotheusXanthippusAchaemenid EmpireFamily treeAchaemenesAriaramnesArsamesTeispesCyrus ICambyses ICyrus the GreatCambyses IIBardiyaDarius the GreatXerxes IArtaxerxes IXerxes IISogdianusDarius IIArtaxerxes II MnemonArtaxerxes III OchusArtaxerxes IV ArsesDarius III CodomannusArtaxerxes V BessusTabalusMazaresHarpagusOroetusBagaeusOtanesArtaphernes IArtaphernes IIPissuthnesTissaphernesCyrus the YoungerTithraustesTiribazusStruthasAutophradatesSpithridatesSatrapsHellespontine PhrygiaMitrobatesMegabazusMegabatesOebares IIArtabazus IPharnabazus IPharnaces IIPharnabazus IIAriobarzanesArtabazus IIPharnabazus IIIArsitesCappadociaDatamesAriamnes IMithrobuzanesAriarathes IAsia MinorDemaratusGongylosEurysthenesProklesHistiaeusAristagorasArcheptolisAridolisAmyntas IIPhiliscusKybernisKuprlliKherigaKhereiArbinasArtumparaMithrapataPerikleDynastsLygdamis IArtemisiaPisindelisLygdamis IIAdusiusHecatomnusMausolusArtemisia IIIdrieusPixodarusOrontobatesMacedoniaAmyntas I of MacedonAlexander I of MacedonKings of TyreAbdemonEvagorasAzemilcusKings of SidonEshmunazar ITabnitQueen Amoashtart (regent)Eshmunazar IIBodashtartYatonmilkTetramnestosBaalshillem IBaalshillem IIAbdashtart ITennesEvagoras IIArmeniaArtasyrusOrontes IDarius IIIOrontes IIAryandesPherendatesPherendates IISabacesMazacesBactriaHystaspesDadarsiMasistesBessusHydarnesHydarnes the YoungerAtropatesCiliciaSyennesis IIICamisaresMazaeusMegabyzusAbrocomasBelesysHyrcaniaSatibarzanesAtizyesGreater PhrygiaPhrataphernesParthiaPersisAbulitesSusianaBabylon