The two coin series with the effigy of Syphax and his son Vermina show the king wearing a diadem each time.Although married to Sophonisba, a Carthaginian princess, he was very independent in regard to his wife's country Ancient Carthage.Recent excavations have shown the importance of Punic sites, in the island of Rachgoun, in Mersa Madakh, in Bethioua, in Guelta, in Gouraya Sidi Brahim, and also that of the coastal cities which were the outlets and economic centers of Massæsylia.Pottery and metal products arrived from Spain, while Algeria exported ivory and ostrich eggshells.There have been vast interior cities controlled absolutely by the kingdom of Syphax; shards of pottery, near El-Asnam, and a coin in the Dahra would suggest so.