Manually coded language in South Africa

They are not a natural form of communication among deaf people.Manually coded language is commonly used instead of SASL for simultaneous translation from an oral language into sign, for example at the Deaf Forum that is held annually at different locations in the Western Cape.The result is that, while deaf people from different language communities can communicate with each other without difficulty in SASL, they cannot understand "sign language" interpreters unless they have been schooled in the particular manually coded language used by the interpreter.This results in the common misconception among even deaf South Africans that there are various sign languages in the country, when in fact there is only one.[1] A very different form of manually coded language is cued speech, an aid to lipreading which has been developed for Afrikaans, South African English, and Setswana.
South African Sign LanguageSouth Africamanually coded languageSigned EnglishWestern Capecued speechlipreading