
It is protagonized antagonistically by Renata (played by Juana Viale), a cold and scheming woman seeking revenge against a man that had caused the death of her mother.Gonzalo Heredia, one of the main actors of Valientes, was chosen in one of the leading roles along with Juana Viale and Raúl Taibo.The character Gracia, played by Selva Alemman, makes constant references to the pagan cult of San La Muerte.[3] Twenty years ago, Lorenzo Uribe discovered true love with Maria Herrera and began a romance.Maria's mother, Gracia, wanted her daughter to catch this rich man at all costs and convinced her that pregnancy would assure this.
TelenovelaAdrián SuarGonzalo HerediaCarina ZampiniRaúl TaiboVina MoralesArgentinaPol-ka ProduccionesCanal 13Alguien que me quieraHerederos de una venganzaLa TraicioneraChannel 13prime timeValientesSan La MuerteautisticsuicideJuana VialeLuciano CastroFabiana García LagoMónica VillaMónica GalánBrenda GandiniMariano ArgentoMónica CabreraPablo CedrónIvo CutzaridaPhilippinesABS-CBNFilipinoWayback MachinePol-kaDramatictelenovelasCulpablesSoy gitanoLocas de amorPadre CorajeMujeres de nadieTratame bienEl punteroTiempos compulsivosSos mi hombreMis amigos de siempreLos ricos no piden permisoArgentina, tierra de amor y venganzaR.R.D.T.GasolerosCampeones de la vidaSon amoresAmas de Casa DesesperadasSos mi vidaSon de FierroValentino, el argentinoEnseñame a vivirPara vestir santosLos únicosViolettaSolamente vosGuapasEsperanza míaSoy LunaQuiero vivir a tu ladoDivina, está en tu corazónLas EstrellasSimonaMi hermano es un clonSeparadasPolice proceduralsSin códigoBotinesHombres de honorMujeres asesinasFarsantesNoche y díaSignos