Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography

The National Center for Choreography (NCC), which is now known as The Maggie Allesse National Center for Choreography (MANCC) was set in motion by Florida State University’s Dance Department administration and faculty in order to explore the definition of “research and development” within the field of dance, as well as to investigate the need within the national dance field to develop new models that support the creation of dance”.[1] In 2002, the President of FSU and the Dean of Visual Arts and Dance invited Libby Patenaude, former Chair of the Department of Dance, to begin searching for ways to initiate the creation of The National Center for Choreography (NCC), which would be associated with FSU, a Research I university.After $17 million worth of renovations to the original 1920s gymnasium that housed FSU's original Department of Dance, and the National Center for Choreography in the works, Montgomery Gym was reopened in October 2004.“Maggie Allesee is a 1949 FSU graduate in English, journalism, and education, who now lives in Detroit.[2] Allesee's endowment assisted in making the plan of MANCC a reality.
Florida State UniversityResearch I universityNew England Foundation for the ArtsDetroitWayback MachineTallahassee, FloridaCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of BusinessCollege of Communication and InformationCollege of Criminology and Criminal JusticeCollege of EducationCollege of EngineeringCollege of Fine ArtsCollege of Human SciencesCollege of LawCollege of MedicineCollege of Motion Picture ArtsCollege of MusicCollege of NursingCollege of Social SciencesCollege of Social WorkSchool of HospitalitySchool of Library & Information StudiesSchool of Public Administration and PolicyBurning Spear SocietyFSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor TrainingHistory of Florida State UniversityMaster Craftsman StudioNational Center for ChoreographyPhi Beta KappaYoung Scholars ProgramCaribbean Law InstituteCoastal & Marine LaboratoryFlorida State University SchoolNorthern Gulf InstituteSustainable Energy CenterWalker Cancer Research InstitutePeopleAlumniAthletic AlumniBoard of TrusteesHonorary Degree recipientsPresidentsTorch Award recipientsAthleticsBaseballMen's basketballWomen's basketballFootballCross countryMen's golfWomen's golfWomen's soccerSoftballTrack & fieldDick Howser StadiumDoak Campbell StadiumDonald L. Tucker Civic CenterJoAnne Graf FieldSeminole Soccer ComplexTully GymnasiumFlorida CupFSU-Clemson rivalryFSU-Florida rivalryFSU–Miami rivalryAlma MaterHymn to the Garnet & GoldMarching ChiefsOsceola and Renegadeacademic-athletic scandalAsolo Repertory TheatreThe Florida ChannelFSU Flying High CircusFSView & Florida FlambeauGlobal Peace ExchangeMonarchy PartyPow WowReservationStarMetroTallahasseeWFSU-FMWFSU-TVThe YetiDodd HallDon Veller Golf CourseFSU-PanamaInnovation ParkLandmarks and monumentsLegacy HallLegacy WalkPanama City CampusPowell Alumni GreenPresident's HouseRec SportsPlexRingling Museum of ArtSouthwest Tallahassee CampusStudent housingStudent UnionWestcott Building