Lombardo-Venetian lira

Due to the heavy consequences of the war, Austria was not able to immediately produce the new currency when it took possession of the territory in 1814.Hence the Napoleonic Italian lira continued to be a legal tender for eight years after the fall of its inventor.During the revolutions of 1848, the Lombard Provisional Government briefly suspended the production of the lira and minted instead a special 5 Italian lire coin.When metropolitan Austria decimalized in 1857, the change did not immediately affect the Kingdom, where old lira austriaca were minted again in 1858.Only in 1862, after the loss of Lombardy to the newborn Italian State, did the remaining part of the Austrian territories adopt the general coinage of the Empire.
ItalianSymbolDenominationscentesimoLombardy–VenetiaAustriaVienna MintPegged byAustrian florinKingdom of Lombardy–VenetiaHistory of coins in ItalysilverConventionsthalerVenetian liraMilanese scudoNapoleonicItalian liraAustrian EmpireLombardyLombardo-Venetian florinAustro-Hungarian florinrevanchismStandard Catalog of World CoinsCoinage of CalesCoinage of CapuaCoinage of SuessaCoinage of the Social WarGreek coinage of Italy and SicilyEtruscan coinsRoman currencyAgontanoAugustalisBaioccoBologninoCavalloCoinage of the Republic of SienaCoinage of the Republic of VeniceCraziaDucatonFlorinGenoese liraGenovinoGigliatoGiulioItalian scudoLombard coinageAdelchisBeneventoPierrealeQuattrinoSequinTorneselVenetian grossoCagliareseLuccan liraNeapolitan liraNeapolitan piastraPapal liraParman liraPiedmontese scudoRoman scudoSardinian liraSardinian scudoSicilian piastraTuscan florinTuscan liraTwo Sicilies ducatAM-LiraItalian euro coinscommemorativeEconomy of ItalyEconomic history of ItalyEgyptian poundLebanese poundPound sterlingAlderney poundFalkland Islands poundGibraltar poundGuernsey poundJersey poundManx poundSaint Helena poundSouth Sudanese poundSudanese poundSyrian poundTurkish liraBristol poundExeter poundLewes poundLiverpool poundStroud poundTotnes poundAeginetan minaAngevin poundAttic minaAustralian poundBahamian poundBermudian poundBiafran poundBritish West African poundCanadian poundConnecticut poundCypriot poundDelaware poundFijian poundFrench livreLivre parisisLivre tournoisFrench colonial livreGuadeloupe livreHaitian livreNew France livreSaint Lucia livreGambian poundGeorgia poundGhanaian poundIrish puntIsraeli liraItalian East African liraItalian Somaliland liraJaca poundJamaican poundJapanese government-issued Oceanian poundJersey livreLibyan poundLuxembourg livreMalawian poundMaltese poundMaryland poundMassachusetts poundNew Brunswick poundNew Guinean poundNew Hampshire poundNew Jersey poundNew York poundNew Zealand poundNewfoundland poundNigerian poundNorth Carolina poundNova Scotian poundOttoman liraPalestine poundPennsylvania poundPeruvian libraPound ScotsPrince Edward Island poundRhode Island poundRhodesian poundRhodesia and Nyasaland poundRoman poundSammarinese liraSolomon Islands poundSouth Carolina poundSouthern Rhodesian poundSouth African poundSouth West African poundTongan poundTripolitanian liraVatican liraVirginia poundWestern Samoan poundZambian poundGrzywnaGrivnaPound signPound (mass)Carolingian monetary system