
Charles II of Anjou initially continued this coinage, but he took office in a period of financial difficulty throughout Europe and circumstances forced him to replace it.The legend, KAROL SCD DEI GRA IERL ET SICIL REX, i.e. Charles the second king of Jerusalem and Sicily, requires a bit of explaining.Charles I expanded his empire in to the Balkans and purchased a claim to the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1277, even though Christians had not ruled that city since the Sultan Saladin drove them out in 1187.His ally the pope immediately released him from this promise, and the 1302 Peace of Caltabellotta justified his use of the title King of Sicily for what is now more accurately called Naples, so the coin legend was appropriate.[7] In the reign of Ladislaus the Magnanimous (1386-1414), however, a shortage of silver throughout Western Europe forced him to downscale his coinage to half and quarter gigliati with the same designs.Hélion de Villeneuve became grand master of the Knights Hospitaller and found that its Greek influenced coinage did not facilitate trade.He started striking large silver coins there, copying the obverse type of the giglatio but using the reverse for heraldry which symbolized his descent from both Stephen V of Hungary and Charles II of Anjou.
Silver gigliato of Robert the Wise
Silver gigliato of Hélion de Villeneuve , Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes , 1319–1346.
Silver gigliato of Sarukhan, Bey of Magnesia , 1313–1348, ruler of Lydia , western Turkey .
Charles II of AnjouNaplesProvenceLiliesSaruhanCharles I of AnjouLouis IX of FrancegroschenHistory of coins in ItalyKingdom of JerusalemSaladinSicilian VespersPeace of CaltabellottaJames VI of ScotlandRobert the WiseGuelphGhibellineLadislaus the MagnanimousAlfonso V of AragonAvignon PapacyPope John XXIIPope Clement VIPope Urban VAntipope John XXIIIHélion de VilleneuveKnights of RhodesKnights HospitallerCharles RobertSarukhan, Bey of MagnesiaTurkeyLevantPhilip GriersonLucia TravainiCoinage of CalesCoinage of CapuaCoinage of SuessaCoinage of the Social WarGreek coinage of Italy and SicilyEtruscan coinsRoman currencyAgontanoAugustalisBaioccoBologninoCavalloCoinage of the Republic of SienaCoinage of the Republic of VeniceCraziaDucatonFlorinGenoese liraGenovinoGiulioItalian scudoLombard coinageAdelchisBeneventoPierrealeQuattrinoSequinTorneselVenetian grossoVenetian liraCagliareseLombardo-Venetian florinLombardo-Venetian liraLuccan liraMilanese scudoNeapolitan liraNeapolitan piastraPapal liraParman liraPiedmontese scudoRoman scudoSardinian liraSardinian scudoSicilian piastraTuscan florinTuscan liraTwo Sicilies ducatItalian liraAM-LiraItalian euro coinscommemorativeEconomy of ItalyEconomic history of Italy