Lloyd Russell-Moyle

Because there was insufficient time for the investigation of the complaint to be resolved before the candidacy deadline for the 2024 general election, he became ineligible to stand as the Labour Party candidate for Brighton Kemptown.[19][20] In the recommendations published in October 2018 he highlighted the relevance and importance of the inquiry stating, "Over the years youth work has borne the brunt of significant spending cuts.[28][29] The incident took place less than 24 hours after Prime Minister Theresa May gave a speech on Brexit in which she blamed MPs for deliberately delaying her attempt to ensure the UK left the EU by 29 March.[30] In June 2019, Russell-Moyle was criticised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews for hosting a Stop the War coalition meeting in Parliament to which a representative of the Yemeni Houthi group, Ahmed Alshami, had been invited.[31][32] The Board's Vice President stated that "hosting an organisation in the Houses of Parliament whose official slogan includes the phrase 'death to Israel, curse the Jews' is utterly unacceptable.[36][37][38] In December 2019, Russell-Moyle sparked controversy when he said he was not a "cunt" in refusing to call for the immediate resignation of Jeremy Corbyn, during an exchange on instant messenger with a former party member, which was leaked to The Sun.[42] In June 2020, he issued an apology[43][44] after writing an article for Tribune in which he accused J. K. Rowling of using her experience of domestic abuse and sexual assault to justify discrimination against transgender people.He drafted the bill in public, meeting people from all sides and included key safeguards to protect parents, regulated medical practitioners and free speech but prevented the abusive practice.[65] In November 2018, during a House of Commons debate to mark the 30th World AIDS Day,[66] Russell-Moyle revealed he had been diagnosed as HIV positive a decade earlier,[66][67] saying he wanted to tackle the stigma still associated with the condition and stating: "I have not only survived, I've prospered, and any partner I have is safe and protected",[68] making reference later in his speech to having an undetectable viral load, as well as discussing pre-exposure prophylaxis and public health policy.
Russell-Moyle in 2015
Member of ParliamentBrighton KemptownSimon KirbyChris WardBrighton and Hove City CouncilEast BrightonBrightonEast SussexLabour Co-opSocialist Campaign GroupAlma materUniversity of BradfordUniversity of SussexLabour and Co-operative PartySocialist Educational AssociationLabour Party (UK)Priory School, LewesSussex Downs CollegeNational Youth AgencyThe Woodcraft FolkEuropean Youth Forum2015 general electionConservativeMaria CaulfieldLiberal DemocratNorman BakerRay Finch2024 general election2017 general electionAll-Party Parliamentary GroupHouse of Commonsceremonial maceEU Withdrawal AgreementHouses of ParliamentBrexitPrime Minister's QuestionsPrime MinisterTheresa MayAndrea Leadsomdog-whistle politicsSection 28People's VoteITV NewsBoard of Deputies of British JewsStop the WarYemeniHouthi2019 general electionJeremy CorbynThe SunKeir StarmerShadow Minister for Natural Environment and Air QualityLabour Party dossier into the handling of antisemitismTribuneJ. K. RowlingMiriam CatesGender Recognition Reform (Scotland) BillDame Rosie WintertonRosie DuffieldPaul BristowConversion therapyBen BradleyKurdistanRojavaHIV/AIDSBaháʼí FaithParliamentary committeesPublic Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select CommitteeInternational Trade Select CommitteeCommittees on Arms Export ControlsQuadripartite CommitteeNational Secular SocietyWorld AIDS DayHIV positivestigmaundetectableviral loadpre-exposure prophylaxispublic healthChris SmithDale, IainWaller, RobertBitebackGoogle BooksWho's WhoThe GuardianTwitterChildren & Young People NowElectoral CalculusThe IndependentPinkNewsThe New EuropeanThe ArgusSky NewsJewish ChronicleBBC News OnlineTheyWorkForYouFacebookLinkedInParliament of the United KingdomHansardPublic Whip