Lectionary 179
Codex Sancti Simeonis contains a fragment of a Gospel lectionary, or Evangelistarion, designated by siglum ℓ 179 in the Gregory-Aland numbering; it is written on parchment and dated to the 10th century.Itacism occurs frequently, for example: αι and η for ε, ει for ι, ω for ο, υ for οι.The following words are abbreviated: και (and), πατηρ (father), μητηρ (mother), υιος (son), θυγατηρ (daughter), ανθρωπος (man), Θεος (God), Κυριος (Lord), σωτηρ (saviour), πνευμα (spirit), ουρανος (heaven), Αβρααμ (Abraham), Δαυιδ (David), Χριστος (Christ), Ιερουσαλημ (Jerusalem).[1][5] The Institute for New Testament Textual Research now assigns the Evangelistarion fragment to the 10th century on paleographical grounds.[1] A note at the end of the Prophetologion reads "Λαβρετιος, ἱερομοναχος σιναιτης, ὁ παλαιολογος, ἐν μηνι δεκεμβριου, κα ᾳφπε", which may be translated as: "Laurentius, monk from Sinai, of the Palaeologus family, in the month of December, the 21st day, in the year 1585".