As defined by the Texas Legislature, the official service area of LC includes the municipality of Laredo and all of Webb, Jim Hogg and Zapata counties.[5] LC enrollment dropped for the fourth consecutive year in the spring of 2015 by 4.3 percent from 2014, attributed to changes in the local employment marked.[7] In 2010, LC had a three-year graduation rate of 14 percent from students pursuing either associate degrees or completing specialized certificate programs.In a document reviewed by KGNS-TV, the NBC affiliate in Laredo, the accrediting body said that LC had not demonstrated "compliance with comprehensive standards".President Juan L. Maldonado said that the institution will meet any deficiencies required but that the situation would not impact instructional programs or other operations of the college.[9] On June 20, 2013, SACS restored accreditation after the process was completed to correct past deficiencies in the reports LC submitted to the agency.In April 2012, the LC trustees approved feasibility studies for a new health science center and student union building on the South Campus.This facility is named for Camilo Prada, whose family developed the residential neighborhoods around the LCC South campus and provided student support through scholarships and other gifts.
J.C. Trevino Fitness Center at Laredo Community College South Campus