Lanczos tensor

[1] The way that Lanczos introduced the tensor originally was as a Lagrange multiplier[2][5] on constraint terms studied in the variational approach to general relativity.[6] Under any definition, the Lanczos tensor H exhibits the following symmetries: The Lanczos tensor always exists in four dimensions[7] but does not generalize to higher dimensions.The Curtright field has a gauge-transformation dynamics similar to that of Lanczos tensor.But Curtright field exists in arbitrary dimensions > the Weyl tensor, the semicolon denotes the covariant derivative, and the subscripted parentheses indicate symmetrization.Although the above equations can be used to define the Lanczos tensor, they also show that it is not unique but rather has gauge freedom under an affine an arbitrary vector field, then the Weyl–Lanczos equations are invariant under the gauge transformation where the subscripted brackets indicate antisymmetrization.An often convenient choice is the Lanczos algebraic gauge,[14] The additional self-coupling terms have no direct electromagnetic perfect analogy to the vacuum wave equation[11] Similar calculations have been used to construct arbitrary Petrov type D solutions.
rank 3 tensorgeneral relativityWeyl tensorCornelius Lanczosgauge fieldgravitational fieldelectromagnetic four-potentialelectromagnetic fieldLagrange multipliervariational approach to general relativityRiemann tensorEinstein field equationsRicci tensorRicci decompositionCurtright fieldcovariant derivativesymmetrizationgauge freedomaffine groupvector fieldantisymmetrizationd'Alembert operatorCotton tensorcovariant derivativesvacuum solutionshomogeneousgravitational waveselectromagnetic wavesSchwarzschild metricnatural unitsNewman–Penrose formalismPetrov type DBach tensorRicci calculusSchouten tensortetradic Palatini actionSelf-dual Palatini actionBibcode