Kaplansky density theorem

In the theory of von Neumann algebras, the Kaplansky density theorem, due to Irving Kaplansky, is a fundamental approximation theorem.The importance and ubiquity of this technical tool led Gert Pedersen to comment in one of his books[1] that, Let K− denote the strong-operator closure of a set K in B(H), the set of bounded operators on the Hilbert space H, and let (K)1 denote the intersection of K with the unit ball of B(H).The Kaplansky density theorem can be used to formulate some approximations with respect to the strong operator topology.In other words, for a net {aα} of self-adjoint operators in A, the continuous functional calculus a → f(a) satisfies, in the strong operator topology.A matrix computation in M2(A) considering the self-adjoint operator with entries 0 on the diagonal and a and a* at the other positions, then removes the self-adjointness restriction and proves the theorem.
von Neumann algebrasIrving Kaplanskystrong-operator closurestrong operator topologyC*-algebraself-adjoint operatorscontinuous functional calculusJacobson density theoremRichard KadisonKadison, RichardFundamentals of the Theory of Operator AlgebrasFunctional analysistopicsglossaryBanachFréchetHilbertHölderNuclearOrliczSchwartzSobolevTopological vectorBarrelledCompleteLocally convexReflexiveSeparableHahn–BanachRiesz representationClosed graphUniform boundedness principleKrein–MilmanMin–maxGelfand–NaimarkBanach–AlaogluAdjointBoundedCompactHilbert–SchmidtNormalTrace classTransposeUnboundedUnitaryBanach algebraSpectrum of a C*-algebraOperator algebraGroup algebra of a locally compact groupVon Neumann algebraInvariant subspace problemMahler's conjectureHardy spaceSpectral theory of ordinary differential equationsHeat kernelIndex theoremCalculus of variationsFunctional calculusIntegral linear operatorJones polynomialTopological quantum field theoryNoncommutative geometryRiemann hypothesisDistributionGeneralized functionsApproximation propertyBalanced setChoquet theoryWeak topologyBanach–Mazur distanceTomita–Takesaki theory