José Luis Bustamante y Rivero

Bustamante reached political maturity as the author of the manifesto which launched the 1930 coup that ousted President Augusto B. Leguía.He soon earned the trust of Leguía's successor, Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro, and began his new career in 1934 by serving as a diplomat, representing Peru as Peruvian Minister to Bolivia (1934–1938, 1942–1945) and Uruguay (1939–1942).[3] During his first seven days as president, Bustamante restored press freedom and full civil rights and freed all political prisoners.In October 1948, rebel sailors and officers seized five warships, locked up or shot their commanders, sent landing parties ashore under cover of a ragged bombardment.Under the President's orders, government troops occupied the APRA headquarters, seized the plant of its newspaper, La Tribuna, and arrested several prominent Apristas.
Spanish namesurnamePresident of PeruRoque Augusto Saldías ManinatJosé Gálvez BarrenecheaManuel Prado y UgartecheManuel OdríaSenator for LifePresident of the International Court of JusticePercy SpenderMuhammad Zafarullah KhanMinister of Justice, Instruction and WorshipLuis Miguel Sánchez CerroElías Lozada BenaventeArequipaFrente Democrático NacionalInternational Court of JusticeThe HagueColegio San JoséUniversidad Nacional San Agustín de ArequipaUniversidad Nacional San Antonio AbadAugusto B. LeguíaPeruvian Minister to BoliviaUruguayVíctor Raúl Haya de la TorrePeruvian Communist PartyLegión Patriótica IndependienteEloy G. Uretamilitary coupManuel A. OdríaOrganization of American StatesEl SalvadorHondurasFootball WarPeruvian Constitution of 1979National Library of PeruManuel PradoPresidentsSan MartínLuna PizarroLa MarBernardo de TagleRiva AgüeroBolívarSanta CruzSalazar y BaquíjanoGutiérrez de la FuenteGamarraOrbegosoBermúdezSalaverryMenéndezTorricoFiguerolaVivancoCastillaElíasEcheniqueSan RománP. Diez CansecoGutiérrezF. Diez CansecoZevallosPiérolaGarcía CalderónMonteroCáceresIglesiasArenasMorales BermúdezBorgoñoCandamoRomañaS. CalderónPardo y BarredaLeguíaBillinghurstBenavidesSánchez CerroElías AriasJiménezSamanez OcampoPrado UgartecheBustamante y RiveroOdríaNoriegaPérez GodoyLindleyBelaúnde TerryVelascoMorales-BermúdezGarcíaFujimoriPaniaguaToledoHumalaKuczynskiVizcarraMerinoSagastiCastilloBoluarte