Japanese white crucian carp

[2] The Japanese white crucian carp was formerly considered a subspecies of wild goldfish, and was classified as C. auratus cuvieri.[3] Genetic studies using mitochondrial DNA indicate that this species diverged from the ancestral form approximately one million years ago, during the early Pleistocene.[6] Historically, the Japanese white crucian carp was endemic to Lake Biwa,[5] as well as the connected Yodo River system,[7] in Japan.[2] An omnivorous species, Japanese white crucian carp feed on a variety foods, including algae, phytoplankton, macrophytes, and invertebrates, such as insects and crustaceans.[6] Spawning occurs from April to June,[5] and takes place in areas of aquatic vegetation, including reed beds.
Conservation statusEndangeredIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataActinopterygiiCypriniformesCyprinidaeCyprininaeCarassiusBinomial nameTemminckSchlegelSynonymsfreshwaterfamilyintroduced speciesgoldfishbarbelscycloidlateral linedorsalanal finscaudal finsubspecieswild goldfishspeciesmitochondrial DNAPleistoceneLake Biwapharyngeal teethYodo RiverTaiwanBuddhist"life releasing"slaughterVermontbackwatersomnivorousphytoplanktonmacrophytesinvertebratesinsectscrustaceanslarvalzooplanktonschoolsSpawningaquatic vegetationreed bedsnigoro-bunafunazushicultivatedChineseintermediate hostparasiticendangered speciesRed Data Bookwater pollutionoverfishingFroese, RainerFishBaseWayback MachineBibcodeAsian carpAfrican carpBighead carpBlack carpCarnatic carpChinese mud carpCommon carpCrucian carpDeccan white carpFringed-lipped peninsula carpGiant salmon carpGrass carpHora white carpJapanese crucian carpKrishna carpMirror carpMrigal carpMud carpNile carpPigmouth carpPredatory carpPrussian carpSabre carpSiamese giant carpSiamese mud carpSilver carpSmallscale mud carpSea carpCarp liceKoi herpes virusSpring viraemia of carpCarp fishingRedmire poolChod rigHair rigYateley ComplexBoilieEliburn ReservoirRichard WalkerChris YatesFisherman's soupGefilte fishTaramosalataBensonTotal CarpCarp streamersThe Adventures of Little CarpDaughterless Carp ProjectAquaculture in ChinaChinese Academy of Fishery SciencesKoi pondWikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistOpen Tree of Life